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  1. jinjur

    Is you clutch creaky?

    Mate, can you post a pic or details of the exact lube you used in case its speshal ? J
  2. jinjur

    whats the most bhp anyones got out of a 1.2 8v?

    Why....why is this happening? Why tune a 1.2? When i was a young'un and couldnt insure anything......I drove a panda, a P A N D A. Obviously, I was NEVER going to get performance so i did the stuff that i could, sounds....wheels.....suspension etc.......and left performance until I could...
  3. jinjur

    Is you clutch creaky?

    Im still of the opinion this is cable/pedal related and that all greasing does is lighted/smooth out the load ever so slightly. im sure the engine being warm wont affect the innards and lubrication of the clutch release bearing J
  4. jinjur

    Is you clutch creaky?

    FYI, it was my guide that Tigger mentioned but I didnt re-post it as my creaking came back and i just live with it. Musing with a cable replacement though as well as looking at the bushes in the pedal itself. heat seems to be a very common cause with it and in my opinion, that shouldnt be...
  5. jinjur

    2 problems?? Cruise control button, and lazy starting/hesitation when driving??

    Wouldnt be a lambda issue by any chance or a tdc sensor? J
  6. jinjur

    Photos/Run the Glenshane - October 23rd

    Nothing stopping you from bouncing in with one of us lads fella.... Or bringing the Zed :D
  7. jinjur

    How rare is factory sat nav on a 182?

    To be fair, think of the age of the car. I like it, would be curious to see what the stereo displays when running.... Is this going to be the new froggie JDM.......of FDM :D J
  8. jinjur

    Speedo not working - Phase 2 172 with ABS

    Yeah, there is no sensor there at all tbh........yet you have a cable for it. Check that the hole is not a blank and if not, just get a sensor and hook it up J
  9. jinjur

    Windscreen Washer Pump..

    It was only 14 quid chap.......just look it up online first and reserve online. I searched for an 06 clio one and there was only one. Large 90 degree inlet at the bottom. J
  10. jinjur

    Windscreen Washer Pump..

    Righto, just did this myself. The washer that ECP and GSF have listed for our cars is VERY wrong. It has a small inlet at the bottom. A post on here recommended a pump from a Clio 3, circa 2006 (exactly as you have shown) and when I went to ECP and checked that one, it was perfect. Installed...
  11. jinjur

    holding back

    To be fair Rob mate, I noticed something not unlike this and a service did do wonders. I also then thought that the suspiciously cheap NGK plugs I bought on eBay were fakes which seems to be common (bizarrely) After a service, mine was a different car....... J
  12. jinjur

    clio mk3 turbo

    Plumes of tyre smoke as she comes on boost there................oh.............wait.............
  13. jinjur

    Car keyed......gutted :(

    On a side note, would appreciate it if any Scottyland or NI peeps have or know of any Iceberg Ph2 bonnet, drivers wing or drivers doors knocking about in very good nick for sale Thanks J
  14. jinjur

    Car keyed......gutted :(

    Anyone know of any Iceberg Ph2's being broken in NI? If i could replace the bonnet, door and wing perhaps the insurance may entertain it? Fckn gutted J
  15. jinjur

    Car keyed......gutted :(

    Got a call in work today letting me know that my car and about 13 others had been keyed. Went out and someone has totally went to town on the Clio :dapprove: Gutted. Bonnet, wing, door and quarter all right through to the metal. You spend your life working hard and saving, to get what you...
  16. jinjur

    Cheap Valeo clutch look here!

    There is only one there that I can see......still, 100 nupes is fine and dandy for a clutch tbh.
  17. jinjur

    oem 1*2 airbox smoothing

    Interesting thought......would be good to see if you get any gains Andy
  18. jinjur

    No MAF sensor reading?

    Surely these run with a MAP (pressure) sensor rather than a MAF (flow) sensor? Andy
  19. jinjur

    throttle body :(

    Whats going on with these TB's......I pulled mine off last week to look at it and its minty fresh.... Is it everyone running "performance" air filters or something? Andy
  20. jinjur

    rolling road results. Not good!!

    Sounds fair to be honest.....leave it with us NI guys..... Andy
  21. jinjur

    rolling road results. Not good!!

    How many cars would you need to see Fred to make this worthwhile to you? Andy
  22. jinjur

    rolling road results. Not good!!

    Lets see what Ali thinks mate......I have another littlun on the way in 4 weeks and it would eb nice to tidy all this s**t up before hand.
  23. jinjur

    rolling road results. Not good!!

    You car is a bit of a w**ker too tbh. I suspect there is more than just the timing going on though and if i thought that Fred would be up for sorting it id be in on getting him over. Wee know, like it feels slowish but maybe i have gotten used to it. I...
  24. jinjur

    rolling road results. Not good!!

    Ahh, so you have the upgraded liver as standard then ;) Andy
  25. jinjur

    rolling road results. Not good!!

    Fckn right.....Fred can look at my car while he is at it :D ( Bring a spare Liver Fred ;) ) Where did you get it done lad? I had my belts done at Renault (Charles Hurst) and I am STILL adamant that they did it wrong, I am convinced its down on power. Just need someone to confirm that...
  26. jinjur

    Kangoo upper engine mount part number request

    And as mate....we dont do them. Of course they do. But Welcome to Belfast FFS J
  27. jinjur

    gear lever light and car keeps dieing HELP!

    Are there any earth mounts on these gearboxes? I recall missing or poor earth cables on the older hondas causing havoc Just a thought A
  28. jinjur

    Kangoo upper engine mount part number request

    Ok bud, Il try that.... Not confident the Belfast branch will have much in stock though but ill give it a whirl Cheers a
  29. jinjur

    Kangoo upper engine mount part number request

    Hey, So thinking of doing this as I recently noticed that the back of my engine cover has been rubbing against the air con pipe so there must be wayyyyy to much engine movement happening. I also get the subframe knock when i am "on it" I have replaced the dog bone with a power flex already...