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  1. Oddesy

    Horn wiring shorted, smoke, not good.

    Hi I've read a few threads about horn wiring, and people with similar problems, but cant find the exact answer I'm looking for. I put an aftermarket steering in my cup, when it came to wiring up the horn, something shorted out and a little smoke came from the solder joints on the squid just...
  2. Oddesy

    1st Gear Problem

    Just got in my car to move it up the drive to jack it up, 1st gears now working fine, took for a spin round the block, no problems...any ideas what could be going on here?
  3. Oddesy

    1st Gear Problem

    Nah cant get it from 2nd, reverse is fine. I thought linkage, but need to have a proper look tomorrow
  4. Oddesy

    1st Gear Problem

    I've not had the chance to check anything, was getting dark when I got back last night, Going to jack it up tomorrow and have a look. Refurb was done by Mickleton Service Station in County Durham before I got the car, I have the receipt from the job, but its not itemised, there's a few parts...
  5. Oddesy

    1st Gear Problem

    Went out in my car last night, pulled away fine, no problems, 10 mins later pulled up to the lights, couldn't select 1st gear. Took the car back home, tried it stationary on the drive, still cant get it in with the car on or off. All the other gears are fine, they all select and pull perfectly...
  6. Oddesy

    Flocked Dashboard

    haha cheers for the advice, i'll remember that!
  7. Oddesy

    Flocked Dashboard

    I seem to have had better results making my own adhesive, I just used some wood glue, some black acrylic paint and water. The DIY method seems to be the best, watched a video of some guys using pringles tubes as applicators, that seemed to work for them too. Curious to see what difference the...
  8. Oddesy

    Flocked Dashboard

    That's kinda the process but the problem is that the glue dries so quickly, like 10-15 mins so you only really get one go, and covering a whole dash in glue and flock in that time is really tricky. Cant do it in sections either because you can see the joins.
  9. Oddesy

    Flocked Dashboard

    Yeah I got the puffer bottle with my kit, it wasnt great, after a while it just started blowing the flock off. I've had another go at the weekend but this time I made my own adhesive and a mini flocker out of a poster tube I just tried on a scrap...
  10. Oddesy

    Flocked Dashboard

    Yeah, apparently turps will take it off, then just lightly sand the remainder away. It's cool though I bought a spare dash to test on, I didn't expect it to go smoothly my first time! No I've not, problem is I don't know what the base of the adhesive is to buy a different one, some sort of PVA...
  11. Oddesy

    Flocked Dashboard

    Hi, so I attempted to have a go at flocking my dashboard this weekend, watched a few videos, thought it looked fairly straight forward. Bought myself a flocking kit from FlocKing. Didn't quite go to plan though. The end result was quite patchy, I'm assuming either the glue set before I could...
  12. Oddesy

    New Steering Wheel

    Cheers for the replies guys, that photo helps alot man cheers, I think a dished wheel will be far too close for me so no dish it is I had a look a t the Targa, I quite like it, might be what I go for!
  13. Oddesy

    New Steering Wheel

    Hi, I'm looking to get a new steering wheel for my 172 cup, looked at a few but unsure about what to get. Just wondered if anyone had any recommendations? Also don't know whether to get a dished wheel or not, do they push the wheel back by much in comparison to the standard wheel? I'm quite...
  14. Oddesy


    Are you over 25? Try direct line I pay £21 a month for my 172 cup with all my mods declared
  15. Oddesy

    Sabelt RenaultSport Steering Wheel

    The Sparco ones cool, but really wanted the blue and black one as it matches my car, may have to compromise!
  16. Oddesy

    Sabelt RenaultSport Steering Wheel

    Yeah seems to be the case, just got to wait for someone to actually sell one
  17. Oddesy

    Sabelt RenaultSport Steering Wheel

    Hey, I'm trying to get my hands on a Sabelt Renault Sport Wheel, does anybody know if anyone still sells these? I've looked everywhere, seems like they've been discounted. Asked a couple of suppliers too, but no luck, Cheers John
  18. Oddesy

    172 Cup.....What to do...

    Cheers for all the advice everyone, just out of curiosity has anyone, or do you know anyone who's had an engine rebuild on a 172/182?
  19. Oddesy

    172 Cup.....What to do...

    I wouldn't say I was bored of it, still love driving it, just fancied something different
  20. Oddesy

    172 Cup.....What to do...

    Nah I didnt ever think it would be worth as much as that. Anyone got an idea of that I could get for it as it stands?
  21. Oddesy

    172 Cup.....What to do...

    There are less than 1000 registered on the roads now, but I did think this about the value with it being quite a high mileage, I'd probably have to spend a fair bit of money to get some value out of it, anyone ever had an engine rebuild for one? adamlstr - your profile pic is the car I want...
  22. Oddesy

    172 Cup.....What to do...

    No not done any track days, I did half think about keeping it as a track car project if it didn't go up in value. I do keep thinking I'll regret selling it. if I had somewhere to store it I'd probably just garage it and save for something else.
  23. Oddesy

    172 Cup.....What to do...

    I have currently own a 172 Cup and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. I've had it for 3 years now been such a fun car to own but I'm wanting something else now. I know the number of cups is steadily dropping, but I'm not sure if it'll be worth much more in a few years time. I'm not...
  24. Oddesy

    Clio 172 Cup Immobiliser/ECU/Key issue

    I don't have one but I could get one. The old battery looked ancient to be fair. Cheers for the advice. I'll look into getting myself one
  25. Oddesy

    Clio 172 Cup Immobiliser/ECU/Key issue

    Checked my earth strap this morning and it's fine so just went out a bought a new battery. Chucked it in and fired up straight away. Sorted now, thanks again Dex!!
  26. Oddesy

    Clio 172 Cup Immobiliser/ECU/Key issue

    That would make sense, I'll see if I can get a jump start from some one. Thanks Dex
  27. Oddesy

    Clio 172 Cup Immobiliser/ECU/Key issue

    If it was a bad battery would it not then stop all my electrics functioning? My central locking, lights, radio all work fine. I've not got anyone to give me a jump unfortunately
  28. Oddesy

    Clio 172 Cup Immobiliser/ECU/Key issue

    I hope that's the case, I'll check over the weekend, I'm hoping that's the case as its a cheap easy fix. Thanks Dex!
  29. Oddesy

    Clio 172 Cup Immobiliser/ECU/Key issue

    Yeah it sounded fine when it would turn over, now it straight up refuses, it just clicks. I checked the fuses/relays last night, haven't had the chance to check the earth strap, was going to jack the car up and have a look at the weekend when I have time. Cant see it from the engine bay, I'm...
  30. Oddesy

    Clio 172 Cup Immobiliser/ECU/Key issue

    Yeah I have a spare key, I tried it and it worked for like a week then it stopped and it's doing it with both keys now