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Would you rather have this
For £290 (ignore the prices on the site)
or this
for £280?
As if i bought the...
Want to subscribe to the £10 GoodyBag and i've ordered a SIM, however doen't say if it's a iPhone 4S sized sim, and it says have to top up online, do you have to so this everymonth orcan it be set up like a normal 30day contract?
As i'm soon to be going to live abroad, i'm thinking of using skype, i've seen that can get Skype phones/handsets.
Was going to get one for my parents, do they just plug into the router at home?
My parents are old and know nothing about tech, so if it's any different to a normal phone they'll...
Car had been running fine for 4 years i've had it. Left it for 14 weeks while i was away, came back just before christmas, started fine.
Since then my car has been mainly doing nothing for 1-2weeks then doing a 600+ mile trip over a weekend.
But now if i leave it a week it's flat.
I've put a...
Last year car stood for 14 weeks, 5th Sept -9th Dec, came to it and it started first turn of the key no issues.
Since then my car has mainly done log trips 500+ miles every 2 weeks and a few short ones on weekends inbetween.
Came to try starting it on friday, nothing, wouldn' even turn the...
Worked fine on my 3GS, upgraded, (or as i'm starting to think changed) to an 4s, and now it's not pushing them through, works fine if i open the email app though.
What I want to do is get something that connects to a wifi source, then sends out it's own wifi so we can all connect to it. As the orginal one only allows 3 mac addresses to connect, does such a thing exist?
My 3GS randomly just switches off, then takes ages to come back on usually about 7 mins into a call.
Any ideas? It's been doing it for ages, even before the last software update.
I know it's been out ages, but I know nothing about it.
Basically I have no phone signal but have wifi, can I phone another person with Skype for free?
My iPhone is busted, screen just shows white, I can still conect it to iTunes etc, but can't sync it because i can't unlock it.
I want to restore it before i put it on ebay.
My car is currently sorn, i've sorted my insurance to renue on the 9th dec, can i just roll up to a post office on the 10th dec with my insurance and V5 and get a tax disc right away?
As it won't let me do it online, i'm just about to finish my Forces Basic training to don't really have much...