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  1. cava83

    Online Sharepoint designers

    Please note that the online version has a few limitations, have a look online what they are. As for the issue you are encountering is simply that it is resolving an internal URL, as you have noticed. What you will need to do is publish that content so it's available via the web. Doesn't have...
  2. cava83

    Wifi for cottages

    An alternative which is more economical would be to use Ubiquiti Unify devices, I get mine from 4GON in Chelmsford (they have a website) They are easy to use, good price. Reliable and good speeds. You could also create a mesh with Apple's stuff, not commercial* but easy to setup and use.
  3. cava83

    The GoPro Thread

    Nice mum !! I have a Sandisk card, it has issues. It stops randomly recording and found a lot of people out there with the same issue. I would change it for something else. I have only started using it myself, so don't know too much. I found there is a lot of barrel distortion, which finding...
  4. cava83

    Administering my own VoIP setup - help needed!

    Hi. Hosted. Longy makes some brilliant points. Some of the people I look after use really good value, don't have many problems. this is another company worth a look. Otherwise, Elastix as stated, but that will be in house. Gamma Business...
  5. cava83

    The GoPro Thread

    Andy, thanks for the reply. Yap, it does seem that way. Additionally, they say about a focusing issue, where people are having to crack open the lens and modify it manually, which I would not do. Spent quite a bit of money on this bad boy. Unfortunately I will not be able to return it within...
  6. cava83

    The GoPro Thread

    I was really contemplating getting a goPro 3+ edition, but seems that there are quite a few issues with focusing problems. Just seen this video, the quality looks awful, surely this cannot be right? Seems like the alternative is the Sony version, but...
  7. cava83

    Android RunTime - Who's Using It?

    Oh, I see. Smart. Care to enlighten me on your methods? I installed it prior to the change to ART, using the main, correct install (android store, hit install.....) Installing it again is not an issue if required, but would like to backup my existing data. Thanks
  8. cava83

    Android RunTime - Who's Using It?

    Did you root or reset your device?
  9. cava83

    Android RunTime - Who's Using It?

    Just looking into this now. Don't know much about it, thanks for the heads up.
  10. cava83

    GoPro Hero 3 Black £249!!! 31% off

    Unfortunately I will only go for the latest model. Been watching their video reels and I don't know how they do it. It is so smooth, a lot of it cannot be done by us "normal" people, no way. Going to have to buy a quadcopter too, damn it.
  11. cava83

    GoPro Hero 3 Black £249!!! 31% off

    Ah spotted why so cheap, not the new model :) Cool website that, will bookmark. Thanks very much though, splendid
  12. cava83

    GoPro Hero 3 Black £249!!! 31% off

    Is this actually real?
  13. cava83

    Smart/apps for houses

    I started, got bored. Also bought some Philips hue lights, great idea, but doesn't really happen. :)
  14. cava83

    Apple Black Friday - 29th November 2013

    It's a discounted day, last Friday of every November. An american thing. I think the UK has Cyber day, which is the following Monday.
  15. cava83

    Apple Black Friday - 29th November 2013

    What a stupid discount compared to america
  16. cava83

    Apple Black Friday - 29th November 2013

    I believe you can use both, not sure though.. No reason for it not :) I hope the discounts are semi descent, shame there are no new apple displays that have been released yet. Got a company developing one of our sister company websites using Umbraco, apparently amazing but seems a step backwards.
  17. cava83

    Apple Black Friday - 29th November 2013

    Saw that, it's been around for a while, but thanks. However, student discount + this, then it's more of a saving. You changed your mind on Wordpress yet ? ;)
  18. cava83

    Apple Black Friday - 29th November 2013

    Guy at work did a lady once that had dentures, he swears that it was the best he had ever had (blowie)
  19. cava83

    Apple Black Friday - 29th November 2013

    That is 4 pints!
  20. cava83

    Apple Black Friday - 29th November 2013

    Hi guys, Any of you guys going to be going wild on Friday? :@) Thanks, G.
  21. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    No. I probably make 2 calls of about 5 minutes. 20 text messages. A couple of emails and that's it.
  22. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Erm, I don't even get a day. Even if I change syncing to off, or to 15 mins.
  23. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Two days?! With full usage (apart from games............ Crikey, then mine is f4cked.
  24. cava83

    Case nexus 5

    My thoughts exactly. The official bumper is officially out. £24.99 + £6.00 delivery. Any other thoughts?
  25. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    If you are ok with a 16GB get one from CPW, then you won't have to pay the £10 delivery charge from Google play. I'm struggling with my battery, even with turning most things off. :( Apart from that, good phone. Setup an iPhone 5s, I was struggling to read the screen.
  26. cava83

    Show Your Home Theater

    love these TV's ! I have a Kuro too. Old now, but amazing.
  27. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Google Hangouts. Finding it a tad annoying. For instance, I like differentiating between a text and a gmail chat, I would like to differentiate between the two. On the phone it shows it as one. Gmail chat to me is generally any chat, a text to me can be of more importance/urgency then a call...
  28. cava83

    Nas drives

    Copy and paste the torrent link to the download manager from which ever torrent site you use. Remote access is easy, as long as your router is supported, if not some manual porting is required. Plex is bloody amazing. Don't forget the apps on your phones. Also, if you want, you can backup...
  29. cava83

    Nas drives