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Search results

  1. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Not confused. Nexus phone have it turned off, phones with SD cards have it on. However, you can still turn the Nexus into a mass storage device. Simples.
  2. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Which part?
  3. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Not correct. It's a feature which Nexus turns off. Normally the phones with space for SD features have this functionality turned on. :)
  4. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Google Now is an interesting feature. Set it up as public transport from work to home, however, it's thinking I have a car and want to drive through London. USB charging is rather slow if done through the computer, or maybe iPhone's are really quick. Growing to like the phone, I can see some...
  5. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    The issue is, that if you are buying it off line as I do, the G2 is a lot more money. Secondly, some mention on here was made about the bloated android version on the LG G2, are you finding that? I don't understand, the capacity difference is 700mAH, yet you can get nearly double the usage...
  6. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Tom, thanks for the reply. Response time and scrolling lag is not something I have found and I am quite anal about this sort of stuff. Touch screen accuracy, agreed. It's not as good as an iPhone/iOS but perfectly good and not as noticeable as previous versions. Well, that's good that you did...
  7. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Can you provide examples of responsiveness? I do agree with all your points unfortunately. Are you going to take back the Nexus5 and continue with the iPhone5?
  8. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Ok been using my phone for over 24 hours. My thoughts so far. Shape/construction Nice feel, good shape. Not slippery which is great and fits well into jeans. Quality build is good, but not that of an iPhone. Screen is excellent, not over saturated like the Samsungs (from my point of view)...
  9. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Have your power buttons started to rattle yet?
  10. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Good memory. If I add an Exchange account for instance on Android, it will ask me if I want that to include my Calendar/Email/Contacts. If I don't want my contacts to be synced, so I remove it from the automated selection. The contacts will still display from my Exchange account, I have to...
  11. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    So can I with iOS. Just a niggle, not a deterrent. :)
  12. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Mine should be for delivery today hopefully, 32GB in black. My colleague got his yesterday, both moving from iOS. Need to get used to or be able to configure the notifications, plus why do you need to hit enter on the lock screen once you put your pin in. Annoying. Camera doesn't seem too...
  13. cava83

    Android Apps

    I like the idea of Facesniff if I was a c*nt. Good thing I don't have Facebook.
  14. cava83

    Android Apps

    Good thread, thanks for this. Will be installing logmein, Plex and flipboard when I get it. All that money wasted on Apple apps :(
  15. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Mine ordered last week, for delivery but sent to the wrong depot. Been hearing issues about the camera, being slower than the N4, I wonder if this is true. If so, probably a software fix. I hope I can get along with Android.
  16. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    16GB I presume?
  17. cava83

    Google Nexus 5

    Ended up getting the 32gb. Let's hope I can get on with android
  18. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    out of interest at what price?
  19. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    Do you feel a bit silly now? :)
  20. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately the days of flashing ROMS and all of that, have gone past me. I just want it to work and have the features I need. Do you think the bloated SW affects the performance of the phone, or simply just stuff you don't need?
  21. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    FFS, I am wanting to get the Nexus 5, but if the G2 is a beast as you say, I would prefer that! What is their android version like compared to when you had a nexus?
  22. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    Well, you never know. I am hoping it will be. :)
  23. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    Thanks for your reply, appreciated. Let's see if the N5 comes out today :)
  24. cava83

    Nas drives

    Are you running plex off your mac mini or your NAS, I cannot remember :) I have a Synology 1513+, which I have Plex running on it, but not too good, so will be running off the Mac Mini. Plex is simply awesome.
  25. cava83

    Net gear router

    Why don't you use a power line with a built in AP? Best of both worlds. :)
  26. cava83

    Anyone know wordpress/css? Font issues

    That is a weird URL. IE being gay, simply that.
  27. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    How are you finding the G2? Are the buttons on the back weird or is it good? Also, as the screen goes nearly to the edge, does that cause any issues with interaction? As in accidentally selecting things?
  28. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    I think this is a valid point. Both the Nexus 5 and the HTC One (not sure about X) have the 2300 battery. This is the only thing that will put me off.
  29. cava83

    Best android phone currently?

    To me, all that looks superb. Just need to know about the battery. If the 32GB really does have a 3000 version, then I will get that. I doubt it though.
  30. cava83

    I just passed my CCNA

    I used to use CBT's quite a bit. I like Trainsignal's style (now pluralsight) Might be worth having a look. Better for me, than reading a book. Hats off to anyone who studies and takes the...