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  1. M

    Cheaper alternative to Renault £90 Diagnostic check?

    Update: I took my car to the garage - they charged me £86 to plug it in & tell me it was a 'loose connection' on the sensor post-cat. They 'fixed' it for free (how kind!) and I went on my way. The NEXT DAY the engine warning light came on again, so I took it back to the garage, they said this...
  2. M

    Cheaper alternative to Renault £90 Diagnostic check?

    I'll try the garage down the street then... For all I know it may just be nothing...
  3. M

    Cheaper alternative to Renault £90 Diagnostic check?

    I had the 'emissions warning light' come on on the dash of my 04 plate clio. I called the Reno dealership to ask what I should do & they want me to take it in to them to run a diagnostics check but that will cost £90 - just to tell me that there is a problem with my car(!!) I know there's a...
  4. M

    Lexus lights yes or no?

    I have some Renault clear lights. They are similar to lexus lights but still maintain the same design as the renault standard ones, with the red reflector strip at the bottom. I like them on my black clio, as from the side profile the car matches up (the front lights have silver in them, and...
  5. M


    It depends what you want it for... You get what you pay for really.... For fast d/loads you usually have to suffer with a cap on how much you can d/load each month. For unlimited downloads you usually have to suffer with a slower connection. Most ISPs practice 'traffic shaping' as...
  6. M

    Sky for £26

    What they don't shout about is the installation fee and the minimum contract period, and in some cases extra charges for equipment.
  7. M

    Clio Hi-Fi upgrade??

    you want 13cm comps for the door panels, and you can get tweeters that fit in the same place as the standard ones, but you (or whoever's installing) have to take the dash off to access them.
  8. M

    Boot build wanted - Bristol £££'s waiting!

    Where can I get a false floor boot build put in my Clio?? I'm in Bristol, I've had bad experiences with Sextons before and now Uplands are d1cking me about changing their quotes and they tried to tell me I'll need my car re-wiring when I know I don't! What I want is a false floor putting in...
  9. M

    pc - LCD tv HELP PLS

    If it's a VGA cable you need it will look like this: But you might need a DVI cable - PC graphics cards usually have sockets for both. A DVI socket looks like this: But you can even get DVI to HDMI cables, so you might be able to plug the DVI into your PC graphics card and the HDMI...
  10. M

    pc - LCD tv HELP PLS

    It will most likely be a D-sub VGA cable - a standard monitor cable that may even come with the extras in your PC pack. It's usually provided when you buy a graphics card, monitor, or it may even be with your TV. If you need to buy one.... just search eBay for 'vga monitor cable' they're about £3
  11. M

    sound deadening: how much?

    Forgive me for sounding like a 'tard - but what are you actually supposed to do with Dynamat!? Stick it on every bit of bare metal? Or stick it down onto anything that moves? Or just stick it everywhere you can? I'm just wondering why in that pic you have cut it into little strips and stuck it...
  12. M

    Battery question...

    Had a word with the dude who installed my alarm, and he said as long as I put it into 'Valet' mode it should be fine to disconnect the battery and install a new one without the alarm needing to be recalibrated. Still not sure what battery to go for though. Any recommendations?
  13. M

    Battery question...

    Also...What battery should I go for? I want one that will power my amp sufficiently and start the car every time without worrying about getting stranded! What's the best quality battery I could get? The Amp is 150W I think.
  14. M

    Battery question...

    Thanks for the quick reply. :) So you're saying I shouldn't necessarily have to get it fitted by the guy who put my alarm in?
  15. M

    Battery question...

    My Clio is just under 2 years old and coming to the end of its warranty. I went to use the car the other day after a week not using it and the thing wouldn't start. The starter made a horrible repetitive clicking sound and none of the lights worked and the wipers went really slow/windows...
  16. M

    How to attach Amp to back seats

    I had an amp put in by a professional but now after 2 months it has fallen off the mounting it was stuck onto, which is attached to the back of the back seat. I thought I could just re-fasten it with some velcro, but there is no backboard to the back seats at all - its just carpet followed by...
  17. M

    New member!!!

    Top o the morning to ya :cool:
  18. M

    hi guys/gals

    alreeet squire!
  19. M

    ~My Cat 1 alarm wont bring down insurance

    Whats a turbo timer? Whats intellistart? If you mean the autostart then it doesnt have the autostart feature as its a Thatcham Approved model (autostart isnt condoned by Thatcham).
  20. M

    ~My Cat 1 alarm wont bring down insurance

    Just booked the car in to have a Clifford concept 650 installed, rang up my insurance company (NU Direct) and they said it wont make any differeence to my premium! WTF!? Gutted!:(
  21. M

    Dealer told me scary story about alarms!

    So your saying that the alarm will have a seperate imobiliser then? So the car will still be protected from being driven away?
  22. M

    Dealer told me scary story about alarms!

    I was chatting to an expert today (well they were an authorised dealer/installer) and they said that if you get a Cat 1 alarm (eg the clifford 650) installed on a car that already has a Cat 2 immobiliser that they have to disable the immobiliser to install the alram! WTF!? I dont know if they...
  23. M

    Car broken into

    Youre not the only one bud, I had my car done on Friday night too because I was parked round the corner in the dark part of the street - only parked it there because one of our neighbours has been complaining to our private parking firm that I dont have a proper permit (the gf has it & were...
  24. M

    f**king ***** Car broken into!

    My clio was broken into on Friday night too, they smashed the window with a screwdriver or something & bent all the window seal :( The car is only 4 moths old. :@ I had to pay £60 for a new window (which doesnt go up & down as well as the old one did ie the motor coughs & splutters and takes an...
  25. M

    Security dilemma...

    But it doesnt do that much extra does it? Just the extra sensors which you dont really need as its got the proximity one on the 650, + the anti carjacking feature - but whos likely to carjack a 1.2 clio!?? Or are there any other features I dont know about?
  26. M

    Security dilemma...

    OK so Ive got a pile of cash here next to me (well a credit card ;) ). What do I do with it? Do I : Buy Clifford concept 650 alarm with dual zone proximity sensor - £420 Get security tinting fitted to the front windows to make them more secure - £200. Secures the car but if the windows...
  27. M

    Window security film / tinting query

    cheers guys, thats what I was hoping (glass stays in place = no luck for Mr tea leaf). Do you have any recommendations for places in the South West that do this sort of thing?
  28. M

    Window security film / tinting query

    After some chav smashed my window last night, Im looking to get something put on the windows to make the glass tougher so that even if you chuck a brick at it you wont be able to put the window through (although it will break the glass). Does anyone have any pointers as to what I should go for...
  29. M

    Some Fcuker’s scratched my new car!

    :o oof! Thats terrible!