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limp mode

  1. M

    Limp mode, then delayed acceleration, now weird idle

    Hi everyone 3 months ago I bought a garaged Clio 2004 1.2 16v D4F with 8.000 miles on the clock. The previous owner kept it as a "souvenir", very rarely driving, clean inside, parts intact and just overall beauty to look at. We agreed he's going to do the main service before passing it on...
  2. F

    Missfire cyl 2, intermitent eml , check esp, check injection, limp mode, exhaust popping at idle

    Well, thats everything my clio has, it's blowing my mind how many things went wrong for de 5 months I have owned the car, changed aircon compressor, alternator, the pulley from the camshaft... and list goes on.. These are the new problems (but surely not the last) So when the car is running...
  3. Laura182

    182 in limp mode, electric fault light on - help!

    Hi all, hoping you could give me some help here or some places to start! My Clio 182 has recently had a lot of work done including cam belt, new clutch etc. I've owned the car since 2009. We brought it back from the garage and it was running perfectly, then today I started it up and the...
  4. C

    Clio 182 electric light fault

    Tried to find a forum for this but couldn't find anything. Electrical fault warning light on. Car runs very lumpy on idile. Once going and pushing to about 4k revs will go into limp mode with this warning light on. What's causing this? Also I'm based in N.I if there's any specialists here
  5. R

    1.4 16V Automatic keeping going into AUTO (limp mode)

    My misses has a 1.4 16V Renault Clio and when driving it a AUTO light comes up and won’t go over 3rd gear. If you turn the car off and on straight after it keeps coming back on, but if you drive with it for about 5-10 minutes going 50-60mph revving it around 3000rpm and turn it off and on it...
  6. J

    Mk2 Clio in limp home? Dashboards lights on

    So recently my Clio has started displaying the engine management light and another I am not completely sure as to what it is, the photo is too big to attach here but it is a box with a wavey like through and a bigger coil type line underneath. It has also gone in limp home mode I believe, the...
  7. arChi69

    Running rough, EML on, no power

    Hope someone can point me in the right directions here. Was driving around yesterday when suddenly EML light came on flashing and car lost power, limp mode as such. Idles ok when stationary, but when moving off sounds like a Subaru boxer engine with a hint of sewing machine ? Also the exhaust...
  8. MrBlonde

    172 Cup Limp Mode

    A couple of weeks ago on the way home,about 5mins away from home my cup went into limp mode. Wouldnt rev passed 3k & not go much above 45mph. Once home turned engine off then on again and all was fine,a week or so after this i have had no limp mode,but then today it done it twice.Again turned...
  9. H

    1.2 2002 Electric lamp limp mode.

    Got a Clio 2002 8cyl 1.2 that suddently 2 months ago got this electric lamp and whent to limp mode. After a while standing with ignition of, i could start again, and it whould always return after 5-7 minutes. Specialy if i did not push on the pedal. I have the car at my local Renault mechanic...
  10. C

    Fault p0120 limp mode

    So had the limp mode light on for about a month now have checked and cleaned the throttle body and connectors the white junction box and the pedal connectors all to no avail read lots of threads on this issue but all seem to either just end or not be quite the same the car has a juddery...
  11. M

    Electrical fault 1.2

    Hi all, new here. Trying to fix a 1.2 clio (03 plate). Occasionally it appears to go into limp home mode and srugggles to move. Starting is unaffected. Please see attached photo of the dash lights that iluminate when the problem occurs. A garage has run a diagnostic and it returns nothing...
  12. T

    Clio 182 stalling when crancked over and when cluched dipped

    Hello all, So Yet again another clio stalling post... I feel like I've read them all, but can't seem to pin point my problem, so any help would be very much appriciated. Here goes, A few weeks back my car stalled whilst slowing down for a junction, I thought nothing of it as the engine was...