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❤️ ClioSport Festival 2025 @ Anglesey Circuit ❤️

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OEM Battery Nonce

ClioSport Club Member
Tried Airbnb? Depends how close you want to be, there was one that was really close but unfortunately that‘s gone. Some b*****d who’ll probably cancel at the last minute anyway must have grabbed it. What a prick.

Just booked one now, £200 for the two nights so not too bad. Proper shame there's nothing local to the track though, or even anything at the track


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Our plan is to stay on site this year on the Saturday night.

We had feedback last year that there wasn’t really anything going on on the Saturday evening. We want to change that this year. Happy for any suggestions. Doesn’t have to involve loud music or a band. Happy to just make a garage available for people to sit around a chat sh*t and drink a few beers if that suits.

Be really good if you could all join us.
When we get there ‘officially’ on the Friday we need to plan out a camping area so that it’s social.
I’ll get @Rob (remember Robbos??) to look at some google earth pics and do a plan. It’s about time he came to the party.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I'm going to ask Joseph if he wants to camp actually. He might, he might not. (Do I need a ticket for him?)

He'll definitely want to come. Hope he can meet some of you who donated to his sponsored walk a few years ago.

We were looking through the gofundme yesterday actually as it came up as a Facebook memory. Absolutely ridiculous amount came from here 😍


ClioSport Moderator
I'm going to ask Joseph if he wants to camp actually. He might, he might not. (Do I need a ticket for him?)

He'll definitely want to come. Hope he can meet some of you who donated to his sponsored walk a few years ago.

We were looking through the gofundme yesterday actually as it came up as a Facebook memory. Absolutely ridiculous amount came from here 😍

Bro deserved it.
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