it revs enough for what it is i guess........and like i say, i never hit it these days lol! best laugh is my mate.......206 lx induction kit, powerflow centre section, magnex 206 gti back box (is it just me or does anyone else find all that funny???)......anyways, 5500rpm is where the power reaches its peak (same as the clio) but the clio easily pulls to the limiter, however my mate likes to go to the limiter on his, about 6500rpm.........u should feel the thing struggle beyond 6000rpm, lol, its commical! .........wait................wait.................wait............du du du du, and the limiter aint like the clio either, u know how the clio has a QUICK DUDUDU judder.........the pug is more like Duuuuuu Duuuuuuu Duuuuuu lol, probably it just letting u know granny isnt supposed to drive her lx like that?

.........its weird! the clio might have the same power as the pug, and less torque, but the gear ratios make it feel so much more lively..............and above 80 on the motorway in 5th...........i just leave him! 120mph = 6000ish in clio, 120 = 5200ish (so he tells me) in the pug............shame it doesnt have the guts to go the rest of the way
god ive just spoken a lot of sh*te