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172 alarm...again

  Trophy #473
Really starting to get on my nerves now, wont stop going off, went to renault but was basicly told it could range from £30 to hundreds to sort out, all i asked was for a tec to look at it and give me his opinion... but i would need to book the car in and pay about £30 for someone to 'look' at it. Was also told by a mate it may just need reseting on a diognostics machine.

how can i reset the alarm?

also need a new electric window mechanism as it exploded the other day, and my garage warranty ran out 5 days ago, typical!!

Just from personal experience, there was an issue with the alarm fitted to UK Mk1 172's. If you open a door too soon after unlocking with the plip, the alarm is still active and gets serioulsy screwed up, goes off randomly after that until reset. Do you remember this happening ? I had this, the way to reset the alarm was to disconnet its internal battery. The dealer did this for me.

I dont want to send you down the wrong path, but just one possible action.
  Trophy #473
thanks, do you know where the alarm is? how about disconecting the car battery for a while?!

  Trophy #473
thanks very much for that, slowly narrowing down the problem and i think its the bonnet sensor. cheers edde
