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172 Chip +bhp??

  RenaultSport clio 172 mk1
i have just bought a celox performance module off ebay. It works by attaching it somehow to the air temp sensor, it tells the ecu that the temperature on the intake is colder, this making the engine timing more advanced. I havnt fitted it yet because i think it sounds a bit dodgy, it cost me a tenner and claimes gains of 15bhp (my arse)
Here is a link to another one for sale, please tell me if it is a bad idea to fit it.

any help would be great

  Bye Bye 182....
Lets put it like this.....

Why would I spend a fortune on exhaust, air filter, remap etc and still not have an extra 15bhp when I could just buy that chip for a tenner? The answer is because its all bull to try and get you to buy it. I wouldnt put that in my engine bay as you dont know what it could do....:S :S
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk1
just had a quick look at the turbonator website, does this think actually work? how does it switch on? look well cool though
  Skoda Fabia VRS
I saw a similar item to this a few years back.

A chap in work baught this "device" which was simple a resistor.

It did give the promised 4hp gain but it did this by replacing the cooling system in the car. So the power used to power the fans and junk was used to turn the wheels instead.
The instructions told him to unplug a connection under the bonnet and insert the "Device" This simple told the cars warning systems that all was well when in fact it was running at a dangerously high temperature. The result was that the car dumped all its oil and created a £500 repair bill (This was a Nova of some sort probbably only worth about £50)
  TDI tyre shreader
I twin turbo'd my 172 engine with a couple of kits from turbonator and then i increased the fueling needed due to the massive turbo units by getting this box thing off ebay same as you by the sound of it but this is the extra one with the adjustable power dial, the dial goes upto 11 not the usual 10 so gives more power, like in that film poster in cinema toilets. This was all fitted by dave from my local pub he says he knows everything about engines although he never leaves the pub and smells of wee, he says he works on F1 cars


ClioSport Club Member
  R35 GTR
ECU thinks the intake temp is - whatever, advances the timing, throws loads of fuel in and probably causes permenant damage!


  Clio 172 mk2
Jones said:
I twin turbo'd my 172 engine with a couple of kits from turbonator and then i increased the fueling needed due to the massive turbo units by getting this box thing off ebay same as you by the sound of it but this is the extra one with the adjustable power dial, the dial goes upto 11 not the usual 10 so gives more power, like in that film poster in cinema toilets. This was all fitted by dave from my local pub he says he knows everything about engines although he never leaves the pub and smells of wee, he says he works on F1 cars

  Clio 172 cup
I twin turbo'd my 172 engine with a couple of kits from turbonator and then i increased the fueling needed due to the massive turbo units by getting this box thing off ebay same as you by the sound of it but this is the extra one with the adjustable power dial, the dial goes upto 11 not the usual 10 so gives more power, like in that film poster in cinema toilets. This was all fitted by dave from my local pub he says he knows everything about engines although he never leaves the pub and smells of wee, he says he works on F1 cars

bwaaaaaaaaahahahahhahahaha thats is so funny. Nice one!:cool:
