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172 Cup or 182 Cup?

I've had a 172 Cup and currently have a 182 FF and prefer it. If I was to take it to the track I'd probably get some coilovers fitted though.
As to the whole ABS *yawn* debate, it pretty much saved me yesterday when a nasty accident happened a few cars in front of me on the motorway.

Having said that though mate there are plenty of people who have gone the other way around and "prefer" that its down to personal choice isnt it?


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
Damn I'm confused as hell now what Cliosport to buy, i was considering the 182cup now everyone is saying its a pile of crap inside, I thought the 182cup was meant to be an improvement on its predecessor the 172cup? anyone know where i cud find a list of the differences between all the different versions?

Use your head, go try several varients & choose yourself:mad:

Try means more than down the road & back, 20 mins at least.

You may hate the FF & love the CUP, no one on here but you will know:slap:
  Octy VRS
I've had a 172 Cup and currently have a 182 FF and prefer it. If I was to take it to the track I'd probably get some coilovers fitted though.
As to the whole ABS *yawn* debate, it pretty much saved me yesterday when a nasty accident happened a few cars in front of me on the motorway.

Having said that though mate there are plenty of people who have gone the other way around and "prefer" that its down to personal choice isnt it?

That's what I mean mate. Everyone has different preferences, that is mine!
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I've had a 172 Cup and currently have a 182 FF and prefer it. If I was to take it to the track I'd probably get some coilovers fitted though.
As to the whole ABS *yawn* debate, it pretty much saved me yesterday when a nasty accident happened a few cars in front of me on the motorway.

Having said that though mate there are plenty of people who have gone the other way around and "prefer" that its down to personal choice isnt it?

Shaunbrass, It's not really a case of "my car is better than yours"

Sure, the 172cup seems to be fastest in a straight line because it's lighter, and obviously that will help with agility too.

But the fact remains, you can't have fun on the roads today without it... Unless you live in an area with no hidden junctions, no cars parked at the sides of the road for kids to run out from, and all fresh tarmac for even braking....

Anyway, as I said, I was considering a 172cup recently. I can control myself enough to not let the lack of ABS be a big issue (or tissue..), but it's the lack of air conditioning that puts me off. If I found one with AC though... Hmmm. Still, I do a massive commute, and get free diesel. Can't afford to keep a 120d, and the Clio dCi will do for now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
If only more people accepted that they could improve their observation, planning, and driving skills and took some kind of advanced training, there would be far less accidents on the road than the current solution of making sure everyone has ABS/ESP. That's fact.[/quote]

True, but it's also a fact that ABS has saved lives. I've taken advanced driver training but not everyone that drives my car has. No matter how good/attentive a driver you are, there will be the occasion's that catch you out. Better to have the safety net. When seatbelts first came out there were people adamant they weren't necessary, convinced that being thrown clear was better!
Having said that though mate there are plenty of people who have gone the other way around and "prefer" that its down to personal choice isnt it?

Shaunbrass, It's not really a case of "my car is better than yours"

Sure, the 172cup seems to be fastest in a straight line because it's lighter, and obviously that will help with agility too.

But the fact remains, you can't have fun on the roads today without it... Unless you live in an area with no hidden junctions, no cars parked at the sides of the road for kids to run out from, and all fresh tarmac for even braking....

Anyway, as I said, I was considering a 172cup recently. I can control myself enough to not let the lack of ABS be a big issue (or tissue..), but it's the lack of air conditioning that puts me off. If I found one with AC though... Hmmm. Still, I do a massive commute, and get free diesel. Can't afford to keep a 120d, and the Clio dCi will do for now.

Mate i was joking about my car being the "bestest" i know its not the best. The trophy is lol

Each to thier own my next car is gonna be a TD if i can get over my elise fetish by next summer (i doubt!!:eek: )
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
True, but it's also a fact that ABS has saved lives. I've taken advanced driver training but not everyone that drives my car has. No matter how good/attentive a driver you are, there will be the occasion's that catch you out. Better to have the safety net. When seatbelts first came out there were people adamant they weren't necessary, convinced that being thrown clear was better!

Glad to see some people realise it's there for your own good.

Which is a good point. How many people here drive without seat belts ???

If you have good awareness and planning, you won't need one surely......:rolleyes: :quiet:
  BMW M4; S1000 RR

172cup vs 182cup ????

I'd take the Trophy ;)

It has the 172cup alloys, air con, ABS and the best handling... But then it's a hell of a lot more expensive than the 172cup.. Oh... AND NO XENONS !!
But the fact remains, you can't have fun on the roads today without it... Unless you live in an area with no hidden junctions, no cars parked at the sides of the road for kids to run out from, and all fresh tarmac for even braking....

You what? You can't have fun without ABS? Fact?! lol

What sort of bell end drives fast where there's parked car's and kids about? (i.e. residential area)

172cup vs 182cup ????

I'd take the Trophy ;)

It has the 172cup alloys, air con, ABS and the best handling... But then it's a hell of a lot more expensive than the 172cup.. Oh... AND NO XENONS !!

Thats why i got mine couldnt justify the extra 6k for it. I agree with some comments though i wouldnt have the 182 cup as its not really much lighter than a 182 ff with cup packs and price difference is next to nothing now really.

If i was having a 182 id get a ff with packs everytime
But the fact remains, you can't have fun on the roads today without it... Unless you live in an area with no hidden junctions, no cars parked at the sides of the road for kids to run out from, and all fresh tarmac for even braking....

You what? You can't have fun without ABS? Fact?! lol

What sort of bell end drives fast where there's parked car's and kids about? (i.e. residential area)

Was thinking that, "fun" is for the track and areas where you know there is not children, people about etc.

But then again we all put our foot down sometimes dont we
You what? You can't have fun without ABS? Fact?! lol

What sort of bell end drives fast where there's parked car's and kids about? (i.e. residential area)

Was thinking that, "fun" is for the track and areas where you know there is not children, people about etc.

But then again we all put our foot down sometimes dont we

Exactly. Cliokunt seemed to be implying with ABS anywhere was fair game
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
What about the 'you can't have fun without ABS' remark?

Perhaps that statement was a little excessive.

Take my journey home for example. Straight through the middle of nowhere, tight corners, and lots of crests.

The fact I've done the road about 200 times, I know where the problem spots are, and again, I suppose it comes down to awareness. I didn't do much more than 60 down the straights the first week of coming here.

There are some stretches of road before the corners however, where you just cannot get the traction to brake hard, if you didn't have ABS, that would give you a lot of problems, even softly braking with the stock dCi brakes, you can feel it chirping very breifly, whether the brakes would lock without ABS is another matter, but I don't think they would.

Sure you could drive it all at 50mph without a care in the world. But what would be the point in actually buying a car that you can have fun with ??

Again, not condoning driving unduely fast. But for those select occasions, I would put up with the extra weight.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
And to sum it up.

ABS isn't a hinderence anywhere other than a track (and that's only if you REALLY care about that last 20kilos or so that it weighs).

Traction control IS a hinderence in many places, however I still prefer it to be on when driving normally, or at high cruising speeds on motorways.

Stability control IS ALSO intrusive like traction control when you're concentrating on pace, however, in those moments where things suprise you, it's better to have a system that's ready for it.

Anyway, if I have given the impression that I think it's fine to race about everywhere, I take whatever it was back. The only places I actually put my foot down are 2 or more lane roads, or country roads that I know well. Otherwise I just stick within the limits of everyday safety and caution.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Even lotus now include abs on the Elise, so it can't be that bad for track use.
Even lotus now include abs on the Elise, so it can't be that bad for track use.

True. But they're also doing electic windows and air con these days. IMO its more about pandering to less 'hardcore' (you know what I mean) customers; and therefore selling more cars


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Even lotus now include abs on the Elise, so it can't be that bad for track use.

True. But they're also doing electic windows and air con these days. IMO its more about pandering to less 'hardcore' (you know what I mean) customers; and therefore selling more cars

Electric windows are lighter, and as the elise is federalised its easier to leave the a/c bits on.
True. But they're also doing electic windows and air con these days. IMO its more about pandering to less 'hardcore' (you know what I mean) customers; and therefore selling more cars

Electric windows are lighter, and as the elise is federalised its easier to leave the a/c bits on.

Really, never knew that. Was aware about the federalisation - as I said less hardcore: for the soft Yanks;)
  Astra 1.8 SRi
i'm confused now because I have read that a 182 cup is meant to be the quickest out of al the clios, bar the trophy, so is the 172 is quicker even with 10bhp less? Wots the point of the 182 if its not as quick as a 172, doesn't look as gud and is less appealing inside? Is a ff182 w/ cup packs much heavier than a one w/o cup packs btw cos I don;t see how its even noticeable.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
i'm confused now because I have read that a 182 cup is meant to be the quickest out of al the clios, bar the trophy, so is the 172 is quicker even with 10bhp less? Wots the point of the 182 if its not as quick as a 172, doesn't look as gud and is less appealing inside? Is a ff182 w/ cup packs much heavier than a one w/o cup packs btw cos I don;t see how its even noticeable.

You have to remember that the 0-100 times for all of the different versions is never going to be more than a second... Which is un-noticable really..

The fact the 172cup is 80kg lighter than the normal 172 WILL make a difference to it's agility.

It just depends whether you can live without air con, and whether you trust your right foot enough with the lack of ABS.
  Silver Clio 172 Cup
No idea about a 182 Cup, but I use my 172 Cup for a 40 mile daily commute and approx one track day per month and it does the job perfectly. Quick, ride not too firm, cheap on fuel and cheap to run on track. All the same is probably true of a 182 Cup but it wouldn't be as cheap to buy and won't be as good on track. If you're going to be tracking it regularly then why spend more on a car that isn't as good for that purpose? Interiors are crap on both, so that doesn't exactly swing it. ABS is good, but it is possible to survive without it. The differences between the two are fairly minor - you'll be fine with either at the end of the day but you might as well get the cheap one and practice your threshold braking. At least when you stuff it in a hedge you won't lose as much money.
Hi Lil Kim,

Please don't take this the wrong way ( I hardly ever reply to posts) but use the search option, it really is there for a reason.

If you don't know which one you want, then half the key board warriors on here wont know and you will still be none the wiser!! Go out and test drive them - that is the only diffinitive way you will know!! I test drove a 172 3 years ago, and found it was poo, so bought something else, a few months later I test drove the CUP and bought the car on the spot for the Missus - lesson learnt; test drive all options, then make up your own mind.

For me , having had and test driven pretty much the range of Clio sports from the V6 255 down the 172 CUP is the easiest and cheapest way to have, safe fun!!! But please get yourself in there and drive them your enjoyment and safety is all that matters.

Happy hunting

  Astra 1.8 SRi
The thing I don't like about the 172 tho is the boring back end it has looks like any other clio, ah well gona go test drive them today and see wot I fink, hopefully I won't be dissapointed!
  A Real Cup
172 CUP,

I spent months milling on the prospects of which to go for but for track use (They are all excellent don't get me wrong) the 172CUP is your man as the weight savings are 3times that of the 182's

Good luck with whatever you go for
  A4 Avant & A3
172 Cup, but then i'm biased ;-) , i bought it for the simple fact (call me a girl lol) that i liked the colour & the wheels lol
& i found one with Climate Control as i drive works cars with AC and told myself my next car would have it.
I've never driven a FF172 or 182 so can't compare. (perhaps i need to?)

(my 2 pence worth)
As for the USUAL ABS remarks. I agree that ABS is a very good safety feature, but i wouldn't let that sway me either way when buying a car to be honest.
I've been in 2 cars (1 - the 'other' car on my drive & 2 - a pretty much brand new corsa at work) that the ABS hasn't stopped the wheels locking up on me when i've needed it??...
So i don't particularily trust it anyway.

(does ABS get checked in an MOT???... i take it, it doesn't as my other car passes)

Back on topic, if our not sure drive them all,
I knew from day 1 i wanted a 172 cup & only a cup so thats what i bought, and must say i do enjoy it. simple as that.
  missmy257bhp r5/ got evo6
172 cup all day long i have owned both and the 172 cup feels like a go cart the 182 cup is a waste of time does not have the grin factor you might as weel get a 182 ff with cup packs

parkers guide 0 to 60

172 cup 6.5

182 cup gone to lunch lol (6.9)
  106 GTi
Evo figures are are all 6.5 or 6.6 for all nearly all varients, 182, 182 Cup, Trophy and 172 Cup, only the 172 proper was timed any slower at 7.1.

Not worth spliting hairs over 0.1 of a second!


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182, 1275GT, C220
Having been in both I would opt for the 182 Cup simply for the ABS alone. It has saved me from a massive smash on a wet motorway when someone slammed their breaks on and I know for a fact that if I was in a car without it I could of been hurt.

I also don't think that the 172Cup is that rare to be honest, see loads around here, infact I see more of them than 182's!

At the end of the day its personal preference and everyone is going to say that the car they own (be it 172, 182, Trophy etc) is the best. If you want a few more toys (AC, Cruise control, ABS etc) then go for the 182 Cup of a FF 182 if you can stretch to it.
Having been in both I would opt for the 182 Cup simply for the ABS alone. It has saved me from a massive smash on a wet motorway when someone slammed their breaks on and I know for a fact that if I was in a car without it I could of been hurt.

I also don't think that the 172Cup is that rare to be honest, see loads around here, infact I see more of them than 182's!

At the end of the day its personal preference and everyone is going to say that the car they own (be it 172, 182, Trophy etc) is the best. If you want a few more toys (AC, Cruise control, ABS etc) then go for the 182 Cup of a FF 182 if you can stretch to it.

spot on mate
save up some more and buy 182 trophy the best of all clios...

Arguable I'd say the phase 1 is the best it depends what you want the car for.

Personally if you do any milage in the cold wet etc then get a 182 ABS althogh maybe to much nanny state is handy driving to work when your tired etc the CUp is fine though if you are going to think about what your doing most people don't and crash Cups due to no ABS etc.
