Seriously thinking about changing the clio for ctr/leon cupra r!!!
Basically getting fed up with all the little problems the 172 suffers from and the ability of the dealers to put the problems right.
From day 1, problems have been as follows:-
Laquer missing on lower panel behind doors.
Scratch on inside of passenger side window,unfortunately only noticed this shortly after Id taken delivery(security etching still to be done as renault never supplied the templates with the car when new).
Broken trim on the same door due to sub-contractor fitting window and breaking trim.(dealer never bothered to tell me)
Cigarette lighter when removed pulled the whole console out (cup holders).
The infamous 4k rattle which is still there after having new centre section of the exhaust fitted.(Melted servo pipe whilst doing this)
Car is booked in again to try and cure rattle(4th day in the space of 2 weeks)
Passenger side air vent rattles, still waiting after 2 weeks for this to be supplied and fitted.
As well as this the constant rattles that come with the territory are really starting to get on my nerves, hence I am considering buying a new Type-r.
The car is basically a great drivers car, but sometimes you need a little bit more than that.
In my honest opinion this is where Renault fall down.
May be I just want too much out of a car?
Your comments please.