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172 import CAT2 to CAT1 upgrade. Where from, how much?


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
I've been thinking about an alarm of some description for some time. Now as I understand it, the factory fit CAT2 immobiliser can be upgraded to CAT1 status.

Which option would be the best value for money and what sort of figure are we looking at.

Ideally i want to still only have the button on the key fob if possible.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
You will no doubt be advised not to (and I'd probably agree) but for what it's worth the Cobra alarm from 172 2/182 is only about £120ish plus VAT. This would upgrade it to Cat 1 providing it was fitted by an approved installer. If you're not bothered about insurance and just want the alarm it's fairly easy to DIY and comes with instructions. This would work straight off your key.

But really you want a better alarm and to have it fitted properly. Think you can have a Toad fitted for about £250. Then at least you'll have a reliable alarm that gets you cheaper insurance.

if you can find one of these that will travel to you, seems quite reasonable.


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
Cheers bud. I didn't think it was worth it to be honest. I just want to ensure that any alarm I get will still use the Clio fob and looks factory. Although the UK alarms were all fitted by pikeys on a dockside anyway.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Although the UK alarms were all fitted by pikeys on a dockside anyway.

With their eyes shut using a drill and a hammer probably!

FWIW, price list I have from a dealer describes it as "Cobra 7887 easy assembly 7711237551"

If it's easy it's just as well, the Renault fitters seem to have left no end of strange holes and metres of cable looking at other posts. What would they have done if it was difficult? :)


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
Although the UK alarms were all fitted by pikeys on a dockside anyway.

With their eyes shut using a drill and a hammer probably!

FWIW, price list I have from a dealer describes it as "Cobra 7887 easy assembly 7711237551"

If it's easy it's just as well, the Renault fitters seem to have left no end of strange holes and metres of cable looking at other posts. What would they have done if it was difficult? :)
Love it. My FF may be nearer Cup weight then.
  Welcome to the L4yer
Mine was an import so it only had a CAT2 imoboliser. The previous owner got it upgraded at Renault to a CAT1 alarm for £400. The muppets tore the trim apart. I'm still sticks bits down even now!


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I have a Toad 850T which intergrates with the immobiliser and uses the original Renault keyfob . Its the second one i've had fitted ( second import ) . The guy drove all the way from Newport Pagnell to Lancashire and still fitted it £70 cheaper than anywhere local .

His names Dennis if your interested :

