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172 phase 2 feels like is driving on its own


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio II RS 172
Hi everyone,

Given the rough state of the roads these days, every little rough surface on road is translated to a steering wheel movement that sometimes I have to correct. It feels like the car is driving on its own. What could this be? I am going for a tyre change + alignment on Monday and hoping it will go away. Any other ideas? Could it be steering rods/suspension?

On motorway at higher speed or if the road surface is smooth, this doesn't happen.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
See what it's like after the alignment.

Although it might be worth checking for any play in the ball joints and any lower arm bushes before the alignment.

At least then you can change them before wasting money having to get the alignment done twice.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio II RS 172
See what it's like after the alignment.

Although it might be worth checking for any play in the ball joints and any lower arm bushes before the alignment.

At least then you can change them before wasting money having to get the alignment done twice.
Thanks that actually makes sense, will do!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio II RS 172
Just an update, no play in the ball joints etc.

After replacing the completely worn out tyres + doing wheel alignment the issue has gone away!
