Focus ST3 + proper Mini
Went to pick my 172 up today after having the rear shocks replaced and the mechanic said to me the battery light was taking a long time to go out. Id never noticed before. when he showed me the light started flashing!!
Then the dreaded smell of burning from under the bonnet!! popped the bonnet to be greeted with smoke from around the driverside headlight.
Called Renault who advised me to get the AA to recover the car to them.
Turned out to be a mate who works for the AA who arrived and after plugging in his laptop hes come up with the alternators at fault.
After several attempts it was like watching a christmas tree on the dash board, i had the STOP light, SERV light, Battery light and trip computer all strobing!! with the added bonus of a smoke screen under the bonnet
After disconecting the alternator the problem has gone.
Looks like Im the proud owner of a Modus for the bank holiday weekend whilst the dealers wreck (sorry repair) my car.
Anyone else had problems with alternators etc on a mk2 172