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182 Alarm LED on solid


When I got my car I noticed the alarm LED on solid. The scuttle drain near the siren was blocked so it has been wet.


When I lock the car with the bonnet open it doesn't do the high pitched whine.

Anyone had this issue?

Alarms = in the box marked 'Magic' in my head.

Does it start and drive?

Starts and drives fine. No interference with the immobiliser.

The centre drain was blocked in the scuttle and I assume the siren was drowned and this is the result of that. I bought the car like this so I’m not sure of the history of it.

It runs down the battery slowly with the light burning solid constantly.

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I had it when my battery drained, new battery fitted and the car started fine but the light stayed on.

Went back to normal after locking and unlocking.

I’m not sure if I’ve locked my car or not. I tested it but the bonnet was up I think. My car isn’t on the road yet so hasn’t been outside or parked anywhere requiring locking it. I definitely haven’t locked the car since reconnecting the battery after it was disconnected for two weeks.

Mine is staying on even with the engine running etc. Was this the case with yours?

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Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I’m not sure if I’ve locked my car or not. I tested it but the bonnet was up I think. My car isn’t on the road yet so hasn’t been outside or parked anywhere requiring locking it. I definitely haven’t locked the car since reconnecting the battery after it was disconnected for two weeks.

Mine is staying on even with the engine running etc. Was this the case with yours?

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Yeah, i was driving down the road and looked down and noticed it was still lit up.

Fine now though.
Try locking it and leave it for a bit and then unlock it.

Having done this numerous times since I started driving the car the alarm led is still on solid all the time. Even when driving.

When I was fitting my new head unit I don’t remember seeing any odd wiring leeching into either the hazard light switch or the lock button.

Where does the wiring for the alarm usually leech into?

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Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Having done this numerous times since I started driving the car the alarm led is still on solid all the time. Even when driving.

When I was fitting my new head unit I don’t remember seeing any odd wiring leeching into either the hazard light switch or the lock button.

Where does the wiring for the alarm usually leech into?

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Not entirely sure, but i'd imagine it goes to the uch and fusebox and then to the alarm siren under the wiper scuttle panel.
Not entirely sure, but i'd imagine it goes to the uch and fusebox and then to the alarm siren under the wiper scuttle panel.

Hmm I’m going to have to have a look. The led burning all the time will run the battery down. I might end up snipping the wires going to it but don’t want immobiliser problems from it.

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Hmm I’m going to have to have a look. The led burning all the time will run the battery down. I might end up snipping the wires going to it but don’t want immobiliser problems from it.

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You could fit a switch and resistor (equivalent to the LED's resistance) that's in parallel to but bypasses the LED, so if you have the switch on the LED doesn't light up but the circuit still looks the same to the electronics?

Then when the switch is off, the LED would light up and you can see what it's doing?

I think... *

(*Not an electronics expert, it's filed in the box marked 'magic' in my head :p lol, so don't trust me!!)
Going by the installation instructions for this alarm the LED is listed as optional so disconnecting it shouldn’t be an issue.

Does anyone know if the alarm siren unplugs from its loom? With a view to replacing the siren only, if possible.

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It might be that the alarm was causing problems for the previous owner so he disconnected it and wired up the LED to be permanently on to deter thieves. It won't drain your battery because the LED is normally on when the car is locked anyway

If you want to totally disable the alarm let me know. That's what I did when mine started playing up


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I think it’s an issue with the alarm too. Alarm flashes, makes no noise and does drain the battery, obviously.

I read it’s the alarm box under the passanger scuttle somewhere, water gets there and fooks it. Getting rid of the alarm box is what I’ve read. Solid red light on the dash but does start abs drive etc.
