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182 Alarm need help quick

Hi everyone, sorry about the need for a really quick answer here.

My alarm goes off every night without fail for no reason and the neighbours are quite rightly getting peeved! Had notes left on my window etc.

I took it into Renault Paisley today to get fixed and they say the alarm hasnt went off so they cant fix it.

I am aware that there is fix codes available for this but they keep denying that anythign is wrong if they can't see it going off for themselves.

Can anyone helkp me out that does know about this stuff. WHat are they fix codes and wo do you contact to get them.

Hope someon can help soon

  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Hi Wullie, is it "Oor Wullie" :lolup:

You might find an oversensitive ultrasonic unit causes the problem.

They are very prone to external interference and for that reason most alarm manufacturers have now stopped using them.
You can check the position of the transmitter and receiver units which should be mounted at the top of the A post cappings. Make sure they are facing slightly upwards and towards the centre line of the car.

You can test them by setting the alarm with the driver’s window open, and after 30 seconds slowly put your arm through the window. (It might be better to find a quiet lay-by in view of your neighbour problem.)

If the alarm goes off immediately then retry a few times to see how much movement is required. It should be quite a lot as they are designed to detect a whole person not their arm.

If it transpires they are too sensitive unfortunately you need to remove the dash top to adjust them as Renault don’t fit the Thatcham upgrade at the factory, they are fitted at the Southampton import compound by a bunch of monkeys, and the modules are under the passenger airbag.

If the car is still under Warranty, back it to the dealer and let them own the problem.
  Inferno 182
iirc wen it goes off the led on your console will flash different sequences to tell you what triggered it and these can be found in your alarm manual
I had this problem and as said in other post adjust the sensors on the A post and hopefully will cure it


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
^^^^^^^^^nice one.

Common fault that renault should fix under warranty.

'Domtheone' has had his sorted last week.
Cheers for the feedback guys. After 2 phone calls to tell me they couldnt find any faults I explained the fix with the wires under the cup holders. 10 miniutes later they called back and said they had done that and it should be fine now.

Was extremely peeved that they never knew anythign about it. I thought stuff like this was logged on their system so they can type in "182 alarm falults" or something similar to get all the fixes available for it.

Anyway, hopefully that will be the end of my faulty alarm :)
Cheers for the feedback guys. After 2 phone calls to tell me they couldnt find any faults I explained the fix with the wires under the cup holders. 10 miniutes later they called back and said they had done that and it should be fine now.

Was extremely peeved that they never knew anythign about it. I thought stuff like this was logged on their system so they can type in "182 alarm falults" or something similar to get all the fixes available for it.

Anyway, hopefully that will be the end of my faulty alarm :)

It is on ACTIS (I think thats the name) they are just lazy.
