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182 inlet manifold onto 172 cup

  172 cup clio v6 st
hi is there any benefit to putting the standard 182 inlet manifold onto the 172 engine if so how easy is it to fit thanks all
  330i. E30 Touring.
Nope. Not worth the effort.

People say the RS stamped lower is worth it, meh. For the difference, I wouldn't bother,
  Mk2 172
Bump. I've read contradictory statements regarding 172 182 inlet manifolds.

Can any confirm if a 182 upper and lower inlet can be put onto a ph2 172? I want to fit an rs lower inlet to my ph2 172.
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
B&Q do a stone grinding kit for a regular drill, £4.99 and some engineers blue (marker) £1.50.

Set the gaskets over the ports, mark the excess metal with the engineers blue and then go nuts with the grinding stones. A couple of hours will port the inlets upper and lower. Just grind them out to almost out to match the gaskets. It's cheap and easy and gave me something to do in the garage when I couldn't be arsed getting dirty.

EDIT: Just realised the age of this thread ffs.
