ClioSport Club Member
Awesome steve haha
The steering wheel finally went in the car today and I am really pleased with it, I can now add Sparco wheel, Momo boss and custom bracket to the little list of changes, plus just in time to be classed as the last new mod of 2016!
Feels much smaller than standard as you all know at only 330mm but feels great and so far everything works as it should with no lights on the dash. Just need to say a quick thanks to @Dr Jekyll again for some much appreciated guidance in regards to the fitting.
I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking but as its New Year's Eve, HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL! :blush:
Happy anniversary! Give done a s**t load to it in a year pal, good job. To think I've had mine over a year and done bugger all to it other than a fatty and lowering springs. I've done 9k though and as they say, time flys when you're having fun[emoji4]
Today has seen an exciting update!!
New mats! :grinning::grinning:
Ok, so maybe not so exciting, BUT...... I really like them and should have gone for the Renault Sport ones before really, rather than the 'middle of the road' Renault set. You get what you pay for! Photos just because I could, plus the interior is looking really fresh at the mo!
Met up with steve today had a good chat and a look over his's a very clean example.some nice mods added to it.
i would be interested in buying it.if you want someone to put some miles on it lol.:wink:
Course the interior is fresh, no-one ever sees it!
Looking great Steve, did you get these from RPD?
Yeah allways best on rollers tbh
New coolant bottle club
Will you be supplying your own bottle or will they?
My friend Alex works there and will probably be doing the work on your car so it'll be in safe hands :smile:
We had similar mods @182_steve before I had mine mapped it made 170 on the base run and 183 after, the torque curve made better also which changed to way it felt massively.
I really want to see what the other garages map has done to it.