Almost lifesize..
You can wait and wait and wait. There will always be updates. I doubt much will happen over summer now TBH.
iPods in Sept then mebbe after that. Depends how desperate you are. The top of the range ones aren't going to get much of a boost.
Got my 27" today, absolutely love the thing! The quality/clarity of the screen is mental.
I'm using a 37" LED samsung as my monitor right now.. touch big.. maybe!
its only 720p (until a firmware update), but it still looks great !
Lol. How is it 720p?
You can only input 720p to the 27" if it's not from another Mac. (i.e. XBox) and to do that you need an expensive cable. Waste imo. Would love one, but only have one base atm and my Macbook does me proud for now.
Completely off topic, does anyone else's wireless keyboard squeak intermittently on certain buttons? I might have to exchange it..