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2nd hand head unit...

  ph1 172
Im looking to buy a 2nd hand head unit and wondered what people like.

I would like 4x50Wrms
play mp3s OR has aux in
looks nice and plain and...
costs about £100 second hand

My last head unit was a jvc chameleon which i loved (apart from the fact that it didnt play mp3's).

All the ones ive seen are just packed full of features that i wont use, all try to be way too pretty and im not even going to spend long looking at it.
  Polo + Micra
the ratings on h/u's are not RMS but either max or peak power output

i'd look for something like the alpine 9812
  Polo + Micra
no none of them quote rms

i'm sure you should be able to get a lead to use with most hu manufactures
