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[360/PS3/PC] Borderlands 2

Just going to bump this a bit, I bought it a month ago with some special packs overall cost about £60? Anyway only opened it on Saturday and started playing about 7pm? The misses fell asleep which only fueled me to play more! 2am has gone my eyes are stinging I'm level 9, time to get some sleep. The next day awakes 10am I'm straight back on it! I can't get enough what is this magic no game has had this effect on me before. I played last night with the sisters boyfriend he's level 50 I'm still 9 lol anyway I went for a bath left myself logged in I came back to find I was level 15 and I had like 200K of cash? Although when I went in the bath I had about 500? I can't believe he was away fighting monsters his level and for some reason although I was stood there I still kept getting like 7500k XP. Ace game I'm not level 18 almost 19.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh in co-op you share money and XP, so even if you just stand on the spot you will rake it in...especially so if you're playing with someone a lot higher than you (I imagine someone who is level 50, killing just one boss would level you up almost instantly if you're level 9).

I'm currently level 43 and playing on the Torque DLC, finding it a lot more fun than the pirate one, although I'll go back to that after. Got some really good weapons now - although being a Gunzerker my best weapons seem to be snipers?!?

Hoping with the next DLC the level cap goes up to 60 as in my second playthrough I am yet to finish either DLC or the main story and hardly any of the side quests.

Add me on Live if you want, same goes for anyone else playing this little gem of a game!

Brando M83
Awesome, friend request sent dude.

I have no idea where I was or am with my sisters boyfriend he was collecting pieces of clothing and ligaments with him mate for a robot both where 50+ lvl we ended up in some robot arena where robots came in waves and they both slaughtered them whilst I hid in a storage kind of container lol!

Great game on co op especially since you share XP and money!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Oh yeah I know exactly the arena you mean - in fact I never finished the final wave on my first run-through so need to go back and do that at some point.

I like how some stuff is shared but loot and that isn't, so still some negotiations needed when you find a chest with decent gear in it. Once you complete the game and do True Vault Hunter mode it's even better, starting again at level 1 is pretty long!
If your about tonight about 9:00pm come have a quick game. I'm retarded on it by the way just in case you wonder why I'm just stood still (Usually texting the misses) or why I'm running in the opposite direction falling off the edge of cliffs.
  Mito Sportiva 135
If I play I usually don't get on until about 11ish - you're not selling me the dream though here!!! :)
Don't worry man, I came off at 10 past 11 anyway. Thought I slide served a rest after fighting some beasty things in a constant onslaught of enemies getting some woman with wings or something? Lol
  Mito Sportiva 135
Oh yeah I know the bit you mean, that's quite intense. I find all the boss battles are challenging but doable...some of the general brawls are a lot harder I think when there's a mass of enemies spread out over a large area.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeah don't worry too much about the order you do missions in...just do what you feel like and in any order and enjoy it!
That's what I like about it you can chill and do your own thing when you want :) I want to become level 19 and get some decent guns on the go. I have a few level 19 guns waiting to be used just a matter of time.
Dear god... Dude I could do with a team mate tonight lol. I'm in the blood peoples camp getting back captain whats his face and a robot just stole him from his prison cell... WTF! Now I have to run through a barrage of robots of which I get up to a broken bridge try jumping on the ledge sticking out and fail every time grrr.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Can't remember that bit? Have you got any corrosive stuff yet? I have a level 24 'orange' corrosive grenade which was called Homing Pandemic, and as I could throw double grenades whilst gunzerking never really had an issue with the robots. I might have some gear I can give you if I play with you, although I sold most of my lower level gear the other day as I had so much in my safe in Sanctuary.

I am about 1000xp away from level 45 now and got some decent gear, hopefully it goes up to level 60 with the update.

Should be on tonight if you're around from about 10ish?
Awesome mate ill be on. I did have electric grenades but have downgraded to cluster grenades for some reason. My sisters boyfriend came on the past 2 nights and helped me push through. He has some robot that just runs off and annihilates the enemy it's epic!

Just finished off the next mission along which was go back to the blood people's base and find some mutants in the sewer like teenage mutant ninja turtles almost lmfao and kill 5 of them.
  Mito Sportiva 135
By the way if you go onto IGN they have some shift key codes to use for this - I got 10 last night. They are used to open up the box in Sanctuary and always give you 2 purple items with each key.

I got upgrades to everything except a decent relic :(
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeah cool that would be great! I am level 46 now, what about you have you made some ground? I have only played 2 hours Xbox in total the past 9 days :(
I've not been on for a couple of days buddy I'm stuck at Level 19 or 20 lol! I'm in some ice levels trying to kill giant god damn spiders with fire on their legs that you have to shoot to hurt them. They are proper tossers.
  Mito Sportiva 135
My favourite enemies are the robots and the ones in Mr Torque's Campaign of Carnage. Worst, by a long way, are the Rakks. Bloody things!
  Mito Sportiva 135
You want corrosive against the robots mate...electric is for shields rather than armour.

Once you complete the game and go into true vault hunter mode almost all the weapons are elemental and it becomes a lot more tactical switching between weapons.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Damage is still #1 priority but then you get all the 'bonus' features, e.g. extra critical damage, and I also think magazine size is very important too - e.g. double barrel shotguns might be powerful but if you have to reload after every shot they are pretty rubbish.

All the guns I am using at the moment now do >10,000 damage per shot, one of my rocket launchers does >70,000. BOOM!
  Mito Sportiva 135
It's all relative though - the enemies I'm fighting will be much harder than the ones you're fighting!
  Mito Sportiva 135
I've started to put my orange items (all 2 of them!!!!) in Claptrap's hiding place in Sanctuary for any new character I start. Can't believe I only have 2 though still, ridiculous!
