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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio & No Megane
Haha, loving the duct tape on the bumper gives the car character, like it's been through the wars. :D


ClioSport Club Member
Was super annoyed as I think it was the only time it was cleaned properly in my ownership. Think it was the only time I drove it more than 20 miles too lol. Definitely had a little man weep when it happened.
  172 Turbo
It's nice to have the car back, but as before it's back to doing short journeys.
Ended up driving straight past home tonight on the way back from the gym and into the lanes.... Bwaarrrp. I love it.
One was a Sony one from Amazon, one of the ones on the Go Pro compatible list. The other was just a stereo MIC from eBay. Still got them at home in the draw.
  172 Turbo
Back at Bedford today, 2 years on from our first time out with the horrendous handling car I bought back then. Spent the day avoiding the noise monitors and changing up before them to avoid the noise board after being told after passing the static test that the Marshall would "get me later".

After all the work it had over winter, I'm still undecided on the B14s, the car is much quicker than it was, but as I said to the instructor this afternoon, the driver just needs improving now, he commented on how much grip the car has and how well set up it is.

However, I'm still too prone to this exact type of mistake

As @Martin. also found out ->

However next session with @GrahamS it went a bit tits up and I now need two new tyres as two of my R888s look like this (the other is worse)...
Please note the video contains the words s**t & f**k.
  172 Turbo
@JohnnyE No mate, just the driver being too confident and then panicing as it locked, happened too quickly for me to think to lift off.

I've had a few lock ups on track, so my next job is to send the calipers off for refurb as I'm not 100% sure it is 100% me.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Car looked good mate, as said. How/what causes that mistake happen?? Just not braking early enough? I had a couple of brake lock ups but managed to stay on track.. musn't have been pushing hard enough!
  172 Turbo
@Davyy it's me hitting the brakes too late and carrying too much speed, the yellow cone is when the speed should be shaved off car in the right gear and turning in.

As you look at the video, I've kept the power on and tried to brake hard for the corner, as I pass the yellow cone it was already locked up as I was braking too late.

If you look at the final 2 laps video @4:30 you can see & hear the car is going much slower as it approaches the cone, it's simply driver error.

At least I managed to avoid the flying post


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Such an easy thing to do in a cup and of all the things that could happen 2 momento tyres and a great video of a flying stick are a good laugh! I must be most of the views on the video :tongueout:
Great to meet you yesterday Keith and as I hope I said many times, really appreciate you taking me out in your car. It's a bloody quick one!
Looks like you had the track to yourself at the end of the day :D
  172 Turbo
And you @GrahamS, anytime. As said before, I'm happy for anyone to jump in on track, so if anyone ever sees me with an empty passenger seat, please feel free to tap on the window.

Handed the keys over to a copper friend of mine this morning and he took us for a spin around Bedfordshire B roads, their driver training is amazing, car feels so much quicker from the passenger seat.

Annoyingly, I lost my towing eye yesterday, had bought one of the MAD cup racer style ones, it's in all the pictures before lunch, but is gone by the afternoon session... Shame, I hope it worked itself loose.
  172 Turbo


Photos from the official MSV Bedford Photographer.





Car is finished as a project for now, at present I've no intentions of more power, bigger brakes, or anything that I've considered. I've added CL RC6 front pads and the thing stops well, the front calipers are off to Bigg Red for a refurb. I'm going to concentrate on improving the driver for the foreseeable future. I've kept contact details with the Britcar driver who I had tuition with on Saturday and I'm going to spend some more time with him in the passenger seat.
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ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Looks like you had a perfect day Keith. Would love to do a day there sometime with the clio guys. Less radicals though!!!
  172 Turbo
Looks like you had a perfect day Keith. Would love to do a day there sometime with the clio guys. Less radicals though!!!
I didn't want to do it in the wet, I'd heard bad things and chatted to Chip about his accident there. So I booked the day off work, and only booked on at 10pm last night when I saw it was going to be dry for the majority of the day - didn't see any rain.

Anyone on my Facebook has seen the photo, but I couldn't believe it when I was in a t-shirt changing my wheels this morning.
