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advice please

  Arctic 182FF
right…going to give my arctic blue baby a good clean and polish and have a couple of questions…

My Current plan:
~ wash
~ clay
<----- light swirl removal
<----- wax

1) have some light swirls - what would be best for removing these? is scratch-x ok to go all over the car with?
i've also seen ‘Clearkote Vanilla Moose Wax Hand Glaze’ on serious performance, would this be any better/worse?

2) which wax would be best on arctic blue; been looking at P21s, nattys blue and XXX Hardcore wax but not sure which to go for??

will all be done by hand by the way.

Yeah you can scratch X the whole car tho it will take a while.

Most will tell you P21s tho personally i rate the XXX Hardcore.

This is how mine looks after a coat of XXX:
Last edited:
  106 GTi
1- The Clearkote VM wont really touch the Swirls to remove them. Workig by hand your only really option is Scratch X.

2- On Artic Blue - P21s without a doubt, that wax was made for Metallic Blues, Pinnacle Signature as a close second.
  Arctic 182FF
thanks for the fast replies! :) looks like i'll be ordering some scratch-x and most probably some P21s ooo...and gonna try some microfibres as previously used cotton towling type stuff for application and buffing
  Renault Clio Campus 1.2
~ wash
~ clay
<----- light swirl removal
<----- wax

What does that all mean???? :eek::S
  Arctic 182FF
its the order i'm planning to work in, SRP = Autoglym Super Resin Polish and EGP = Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection (seen these abbreviations on here before so thought it would be quicker to type..i'm a bit lazy at times!) i used the <----- for the steps i haven't done before so the clever people on here could correct me if i got it a bit wrong!
