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Aftermarket steering wheel combo

  Clio 182
Installed a nice aftermarket steering wheel today - what do you guys think?

It's the OMP Superquadro 330mm flat bottom steering wheel finished in suede along with a cruise control 4 button bracket from iamjoel (he makes them to order).




ClioSport Club Member
Looks like a good fit and finish and those buttons looks great! but I'm more of a fan of a traditional shaped wheel. MFFBSW are lovely in an Audi but not so in a Clio.
  Clio 182
I do love the design of that wheel - the shaping is perfect for to hold on to. The smaller diameter has changed the steering feel massively

chris blue

ClioSport Area Rep
  172 Ph1 2001
looks very interesting. be good to hear how it handles

Having major issues deciding on mine, have a 350mm flat at the moment, but as I have a fixed Corbeau sprint seat, its a bit tricky getting in and out. So thought deep dish may help, then get suede, then maybe smaller than 350mm- 330mm or 320mm?

Will go have a look see at TRAX I think
  Clio 182
looks very interesting. be good to hear how it handles

Having major issues deciding on mine, have a 350mm flat at the moment, but as I have a fixed Corbeau sprint seat, its a bit tricky getting in and out. So thought deep dish may help, then get suede, then maybe smaller than 350mm- 330mm or 320mm?

Will go have a look see at TRAX I think
If you want easy access the OMP Superquadro is a great choice because its flat bottomed, believe the vertical diameter is 290mm
