Ktec do one for the Viper kit??
K-tec have the best renault modifying website my miles. In this day and age a website (as proven by this one) is very beneficial for a company, people like to browse before they buy, an oppotunity to do some window shopping. Theres no pressure from a salesmen. K-tec realised this and have an easy to navigate website which is updated every few days. A similar story with GTT Tuning, who david worked for. This at least gives the impression that the company is more professional, which also attracts people as you need to feel you can trust a company, especially with cars. Im well aware of the fact that hillpower are good at their job, but its not suprised theyve been overtaken when theyre website is hardly ever updated and isnt easy to use, or appealing to the eye. This gives an impression of that they simply cant be arsed, so maybe the cant be arsed to do a good job? I dont mean to have a go, as i have the upmost respect for hillpower but i cant emphasis how important a good website is, you may as well not have one and save some money! Or, get a decent one sorted lads! I dont mean to sound harsh or cause offence, but websites are what i do and i guess i get even more annoyed when i see bad ones.