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Aircon / heaters smells damp & fusty

First things first the car is a 51 plate Clio 172 Ph2 w/ Aircon

I noticed a funny smell that was on with the fans, wasn't too bothered in the summer. Now it's cold & I'm using the fans more it's becoming more of a pain!

If I press the button to "recycle" the air the smell isn't noticable. As soon as that turns off it smells sort of damp....and fusty. If fusty is even a real word??

Anyway. I had the aircon re-gassed thinking it might help but it hasn't done anything to get rid of the smell.

Please feed me with ideas of how to resolve this annoying problem! A quick search suggests a cabin filter but I don't know how to change it & if it will fix it!

Thanks people


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172 track car
Yeah you'll probably need a clean out of the scuttle panel area and a new panel filter put in. This should help the majority of the problem.
