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Alloys off renault megane coupe

  Mrs' valver! &myV6 veccy

Does anyone know if the alloys off the newish renault megane coupe would fit straight onto a 1.4 RT?

The wheels im talking about look pretty much like valver phase II rims, but they look bigger. Anyone know what size they are coz they definitely look bigger? Wouldnt mind 16s which look like ph II rims!


  clio williams, Ph1 172

Yeah they are 16s mate. They are nice rims. Just have like a diff centre cap to phase 2 rims and bigger. i thought about some for my valver.

Dunno if they will fit cos of offset but i got 17s on my clio that were on a laguna and they are ok.
  Astra 1.9cdti XP

There is a Clio 16V down from me that has the Megane wheels on but I think it also has the Megane size tyres on too. I think on a Clio your would need a lower profile tyre.
  Mrs' valver! &myV6 veccy

Yeah i thought thatd probably be the case!

Itd look smart with those rims & low profiles on.

Might be a bit of a squeeze on the back for me though! Lowered 60mm with RT arches! Luckily, just ordered the valver front arches from renault today, so there should be no probs with the front.

Anyone any ideas where to look for them? Would ideally like to find some really mint coz the rims ive got now have some kerbing on the front.
