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Amazon fire TV sticks


ClioSport Club Member
Iptv pisses all over Kodi and black box etc. For £70 a year it's fortunately worth it.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Most of the builds are down at the moment. Ares has gone down, black box down, beast not updating again.
Think I just going to add my own addons to kodi and run it like that. Seemed to have less issues with things not working.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
I'm just running the beast build as a base but have basically taken everything off it and re-added what I want on there. Seems to be working fine now.
SALTS is now working again after figuring out how to get the new version.
Its hard to keep up with all the changes that they keep making to stuff. Hopefully its a bit more stable in the future.
Does anyone else use their stick for anything other than running Kodi?

The YouTube app for it works very well when paired with your phone, great for searching and playing music with.
  MK2 PH2 1.2 16V
Does anyone else use their stick for anything other than running Kodi?

The YouTube app for it works very well when paired with your phone, great for searching and playing music with.

Used Netflix a few times but that's about it
I'm just running the beast build as a base but have basically taken everything off it and re-added what I want on there. Seems to be working fine now.
SALTS is now working again after figuring out how to get the new version.
Its hard to keep up with all the changes that they keep making to stuff. Hopefully its a bit more stable in the future.
That's why it's better to install repositories rather than just the addon, as addons will auto update when the repository is updated.


ClioSport Club Member
Does anyone else use their stick for anything other than running Kodi?

The YouTube app for it works very well when paired with your phone, great for searching and playing music with.
Use mine for Twitch, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix. As great as Kodi is I'll never replace paid services with it. If it's on Netflix or Amazon Prime (which I pay for purely for the postage so you get video free) then I'll watch it there every time. Same with Sky HD too. But if it's not, or I want to keep up to date with America rather than UK broadcast then Kodi it is.

Anyone who says that Kodi is a perfect replacement for paid services needs their eyes testing.


ClioSport Club Member
Erm when did Genesis go down? I was using it the other day.

As for The Black Box. I'm currently installing The Beast 1.5 for people. Really snappy on the FireTV stick and everything just seems to work. Sub 200mb
Gensis doesn't work for me, few others have said similar aswell.

What is the black box? Heard that a few times now.


ClioSport Club Member
  R53 GR86
Ive been using the beast for a while but couldnt get any decent footy on on tuesday nor even Game of thrones etc it also looks hes moving over to £10 monthly fee's


ClioSport Club Member
So now that TBB is going, what do I use now I order to watch the same things - a mix of new release movies, TV shows and sports?

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Used mine for the first time today. Someone bought it me ready done so I'm not sure what its got on exactly.

Its got summet called UK Turk on there though and I'm amazed at the content available. Was watching old turtles episodes earlier on. Plenty of box sets on there too.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
UK turk is a decent addon. They have a sports section too.

Have a read into what builds you can install as a lot of the stuff that's usually pre-loaded onto them no longer works.

As I said a few posts ago, your better off adding your own stuff from direct repos.

That probably doesn't make sense to you at the moment, but you will catch on :)


ClioSport Club Member
For some reason my Ares Wizard button just doesn't respond within Kodi, I click it and nothing happens.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
My mate came round and installed the Wookie build and it uses UK Turk mainly but there are a few others on there. Seems OK.
Might try and stream the NFL on it tonight for the US commentary and adverts if I manage to stay awake.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Let me know if you find a good link for NFL anyone.

@MarcJP Ares went down over the weekend. Should be back up now but you have to install from a different link. Let me know if you need it.


ClioSport Club Member
Let me know if you find a good link for NFL anyone.

@MarcJP Ares went down over the weekend. Should be back up now but you have to install from a different link. Let me know if you need it.
Cheers bud, it was Friday / Saturday that I tried it, so that makes sense. I'll give it a go either today or tomorrow, thanks mate!
