errrrrrr YES, i picked the car up and took it home and parked it as i had a hour to get it before i had to go back to work, Some times being busy is a tad more important than being worried about what bhp my car is running but i will sort that out after the xmas rush we are having and get the paper work i was given up on here.
There is such a thing as to cheap imo.
just because something is expensive doesn't mean it is good , you have got to remember that most things are made in china where the labour rate is cheap , so if they are getting the bits direct from a supplier abroad they can do it cheap , as where companies in england import it and make a huge profit on things , i always buy things from honk kong and they are just as good as things that are 5 times as much , just because they are cheap doesn't mean it is crap !!!
Its not just the cams, its the other things like the new belts, fitting and mapping and then they have to make a profit on top. Other companys seem to be about 1000 - 1300 area for all this so theres a massive difference and why?. Thats if this £750 figure fitted is right..
Did you not get a receipt? It would of been in with that as they would have a print out I imagine. If I'd spent that much money (well I have) I'd want printouts to prove it!
To Engine Dynamics?
yea why? :S
i got bored of waiting for a reply about this kit/company so i now have ktr low pressure turbo kit ready to go on, just need to find the time to fit it
is yours the low boost kit?
Kits crap and cars standard again
kits great and cars wrapped round a lampost
you decide