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Arctic 182 for Track

They are awesome bits of kit. I just got the Gopro 2 as its a lot cheaper. That said i've hardly ever used it as the trackdays haven't been happening :(
  182 - F56 MCS
No videos no 😧 Need to invest in a gopro at some point!
You're welcome to borrow mine at any point mate, even if I'm not at the track. If you wanted a quick blast you could borrow it to test it out.
I'm definitely going to invest in camber bolts, RARB and get my seat lower as I was far to high and wasn't comfortable with the driving position. Another track session soon!


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Gave the engine abit of a spray today as I had some satin black in the garage not doing anything!

Untitled by danfullstop, on Flickr

Untitled by danfullstop, on Flickr
Untitled by danfullstop, on Flickr

After! (Coilpack now connected! ;))
by danfullstop, on Flickr
Untitled by danfullstop, on Flickr
Untitled by danfullstop, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Just need to save weight and remove the vehicle inspection sticker..
I do need to remove that, annoying looking at it! :p

Cheers for the comments guys, its surprising how much it freshens up the bay, wish I did the lower inlet now but nevermind.
Looks awesome especially without plates! What suspension you got on it again? BC?

The missus is whats the word "approving" me buying something big for the car and i'm thinking suspension would be the one thing that would otherwise take me ages to save up for.

Im thinking B14's?


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Couple of updates before my track evening this Wednesday:

Bashed up the old unused bumper mounts as my tyres were still catching on this!
Untitled by danfullstop, on Flickr
No rubbing now yay.

Bought an ex MSV 'caged' cage, same as the one I had before, I was 100% committed to buying an eBay jobbie next year but these hardly come up for sale as they haven't been made for years and Ktec's copy is £800... lol They bolt into the original rear seatbelt mounts and really stiffen the car up.

by danfullstop, on Flickr

Also bought an SJ4000 camera for the grand sum of £47 posted, ideally wanted the SJ5000+ but couldn't justify spending £100 when this will do the job for what I need it for:
by danfullstop, on Flickr

Fitted a t**t strip as I have no sun-visors, also painted my bullets to try and bring abit of colour into it, not 100% on them atm, I also done a satin black set to match all the other badges but they look fairly boring imo:

by danfullstop, on Flickr
by danfullstop, on Flickr
by danfullstop, on Flickr
by danfullstop, on Flickr

Lastly I raised the rear and lowered the front very slightly, hopefully this along with softening the front and putting the pressures up I wont be bouncing around corners on Wednesday.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Looks like you've been having lots of fun in this matey! having a look at one of those cams myself, the wifi thing is very good.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Posted this in Clio Media but for completeness :)

Went to Snet last night for the evening session, great fun, best the car has gone, videos of a couple of the sessions below, I don't pretend to be the best driver but I was making progress as the night went on :)

In session three, after I was getting wound up being stuck behind things a cheeky Type R with carbon galore cut down the side of me and the two cars I was trying to get cleanly past, anyway after catching him up he lost the rear end down the start finish straight and caused a red flag :/ No idea on damage as I left after the red flag, the spin is at the end of the first video below.

IMG_1678 by danfullstop, on Flickr
by danfullstop, on Flickr
  Arctic 182, GTD
Just a quick read through looks good mate! Love a nice arctic though.. I'll be planning a snett evening soon hopefully so might catch you there.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Car looks awesome mate. Looks way better with black bullets. Orange is trying too hard imo
Yeh I prefer the black, however its hard to pick my car out from the crowd of other 1*2's at a track day, hence my original ideal for orange bullets, but yeh I agree that they don't look great!

Just a quick read through looks good mate! Love a nice arctic though.. I'll be planning a snett evening soon hopefully so might catch you there.

Sounds good :)

The camera quality is great for the money

Yup, can't complain for £47 tbh, its all I need, 60fps/better lense & extra features are great but I don't need them :)


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Few MSVT pics from the evening:

CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4032 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4058 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4060 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4090 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4126 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4134 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4155 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4168 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-3984 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_150715_SN_MSVT-4030 by danfullstop, on Flickr



ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Went to Snet again yesterday for a full day, brilliant fun, was slightly slippy for an hour or so at the start of the day but soon dried out. Set my fastest lap of the day on my last session after playing with tyre pressures and dampening throughout the day.

Few pics and cut down videos from the day below:

Not that I timed my laps but I think I did about 2:40 that was in the wet though. Need to do it in the dry :)

Car looks awesome. Now to look at the vids.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Clios? :) Need to organise a full day next year :)

2:27:68 was my best.

That's a good time, I was getting 2:30's with a complete standard Clio on Parada spec 2's. I've not driven the 300 circuit much!



I'd love to organise a massive one like I did a few years back, I think it was actually 6 years ago now! f**k!


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Mine isn't to far from standard :p Although im sure you're a better driver than me anyway tbh.

Ohh many Clios, good work :) Mine is only taxed until Sept so probs won't be until next year now :(


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
So not updated this for sometime, done a couple of bits ready for the summer and a few bits left to do.

So far:
Created cold air feed in headlights and sprayed satin black

Sprayed and fitted ex cup racer ducts

Sprayed dash dials Arctic blue

New battery!

Waiting to be fitted:
Rear discs

Rear pads

Pure motorsport front strut and top mounts

Gearbox oil

Engine oil

Not to much planned for the car this year other than enjoying it on track :)

As she currently stands:





ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Not updated this for ages so heres a few recent(ish) pics:
20160505_093714753_iOS by danfullstop, on Flickr
20160505_093634647_iOS by danfullstop, on Flickr
20160505_083205164_iOS by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_160505_SN_Cars_1630 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_160505_SN_Cars_0612 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_160505_SN_Cars_0597 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_160505_SN_Cars_0520 by danfullstop, on Flickr
CH_160505_SN_Cars_0579 by danfullstop, on Flickr

  182, SQ7, Trafic
Hello mate!

Are the headlights in all the time? I can't wait till after the wedding so I can get some track days in!

You fancy doing one late this year?


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Hello mate!

Are the headlights in all the time? I can't wait till after the wedding so I can get some track days in!

You fancy doing one late this year?

@DannyR I swap them when I get to track, my front bumper is only held on by the clips on the wings and the front tow eye so only takes 10 minutes or so to swap them.

My car is only taxed until the end of Sept :( I'm at Snet for the day Aug 17th, which might be the last one of the year, however I might do an evening in Sept as a final send off lol :p Thats after the wedding right?! :)
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Ahh I see, nice and easy then!

If it's end of September then I'll be back from honeymoon, your coming wedding aren't you?


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Not updated this for ages just so lobbing a few recent pics and videos for reference:

DSC_0222 by danfullstop, on Flickr
DSC_0588 by danfullstop, on Flickr
DSC_0589 by danfullstop, on Flickr
DSC_0599 by danfullstop, on Flickr
DSC_0620 by danfullstop, on Flickr

Still got any issue with my brakes having a long pedal ever since changing to RC6 fronts and DS2500 rears, changed to fresh fluid after the first time I had the issue which made no difference as the pedal started to go long after the first session. Managed it for the day as it didn't give me any issues as such other than not the best feeling when braking. I'm really not sure why im boiling the fluid with these pads and not with my previous PF97's, if anything I preferred the PF97's as well but thats just down to personal preference I guess. Could this purely be down to how I brake? I am very ON/OFF, eg leave it as late as possible and slam them on before turning in.

Plans for the car over the late summer/winter are:
  • Cambelt
  • Dephaser (not noisey but might as well do it at the same time)
  • Waterpump (no issues with it, but might as well do it for the cost of the part and coolant)
  • Re-map at Engine Dynamics (I currently have an RSTuner map, but would rather get a custom map done whilst the car is there getting other bits done)
  • Quaife Diff (was going to get cams but decided I would rather have a diff and leave the old engine alone)
  • 7Kg front springs (mine are currently 5Kg and are to soft for track imo)
  • White 2118's/Pro Race 1.2's ET38 7" (which ever come up for sale first!)
  • Probably change the front pads and sell on the hardly used RC6's.
I'm undecided on tyres at present for the above wheels, would love to run slicks but im worried ill be putting alot of stress on drive shafts etc with how I drive so I will probably end up with R888R's in 205/50/15's.

  182, SQ7, Trafic

I did an evening last month and had the same with my brakes and I've never had issues before.

What's your cooling like as I thought that was my issue?
