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Auto finesse tyre creme


ClioSport Admin
I couldn't find a thread for this, so to save me forgetting to post in it:

I washed the car yesterday to test this.

The car was washed and glisten was used to aid drying, I used alcohol to further clean the tyres of any oils and grease (recently fitted new tyres) to ensure the best base for this new product.

Nice clean, faded tyres.



And a quick 50/50 after one application of tyre creme.


Straight away, I noticed the consistency (use softer plastic for the sample bottles!) and smell were light years ahead of satin, the auto finesse tyre gel I've been previously using. To be honest, I'm really not a fan of satin, it's too runny and greasy.


One coat left a nice satin finish.



This much was more than enough to coat an entire tyre.



Just to be a whore





After moving the car, cleaning the civic and letting the creme dry, I found it faded to a very subtle black... Better than before but I doubt anyone would tell they've been dressed.


So I applied a second coat.


It's almost like the first coat acted as a base and the second coat brought out the sheen.

After leaving them overnight, I was greeted to this this morning.



I'm going for a drive tomorrow so I'll comment back to see how the durability is on probably damp Welsh roads.
  RB Clio 182
looks better after the 2nd coat, I can't find anything as good as maguairs endurance tbh although it does leave a bit of spatters up the side of the car if you apply too much.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I never found megs to sling in all my years but the creme looks decent. Tyres always absorb something so 2 coats is a good idea. I prefer some gloss to my tyres.
  RB Clio 182
Have a close look the next time you apply it, tiny 1mm specs up the side, about a dozen on average on each side.

I wouldn't say it if I hadn't seen it.
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Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Haha. U know what sling is. I don't get sling. I've been using megs since 2007.
Have a close look the next time you apply it, tiny 1mm specs up the side, about a dozen on average on each side.

I wouldn't say it if I hadn't seen it.

No offence Tom but this is usually down to the tyres still being slightly damp before application. I've had it when I rushed application.
  RB Clio 182
No offence Tom but this is usually down to the tyres still being slightly damp before application. I've had it when I rushed application.

No offense taken mate, this might be why.

I will make sure the tyres are completely dry next time, thanks :)
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ClioSport Admin
After a spirited drive around North Wales today;


I'm not completely sure it lasted up to the rain today.


It still looked darkish in places, where the muddy water didn't splash up.




I think I'll see what a rinse does to them.
  LY 200 EDC LUX
Think I'll stick to my Megs endurance. The foam looked good after the initial application. Dissapointed it didn't last through a bit of rain though.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Hope you don't mind me chucking my review up in here @Knuckles but there doesn't seem to be an 'official' thread as such yet? I'll get moderators to move it if one appears!

Tyre Creme is a new kind of product for me altogether. I've exclusively used the sprays in the past; it really isn't a product I've given much thought to before, so it's good to finally get to try one. Here's how my Toyo's looked after a few weeks of hard usage...




As always I start with a jetwash and gentle scrub, really not much difference after this! Think my tyres are a bit worn tbh...




So, it was time to get the lovely little sample out...


Here is a couple of poor attempts at 50/50's (either side of the O, then T and then in between the left and Toyo)




Here is a whole tyre done with the Auto Finesse sample...



Finally, I thought I'd do a 50/50 against my current product, Meguiar's Hot Shine High Gloss...



As you can see... quite a difference! The Tyre Creme certainly gives a more natural look, but I need to test the durability, as it hasn't made the tyres look quite as 'new' if that makes sense. I've read of people having to use a couple of applications so I will try that also. My car's now away for the week being repaired but I'm interested to see how it holds up. Simply due to time and effort I'm not sure this'll be something I continue to use, but thanks very much as always @Auto Finesse for the sample :smile:


ClioSport Admin
We may as well use this for the reviews then merge them when the official thread gets put up.

After a lap of North Wales, commuting for a week or so then a trip to castle Combe and back, i think this has completely worn off., a week or so worth of durability. After a scrubbed and alcohol'd tyre, so the base was pretty solid.

A bit longer would've been nicer, but as I said in the op, the consistency and smell are leagues ahead of satin.
  AG 200 CUP
I'm guessing this is the new test product i didn't get anything are they being sent out at differn't dates that's why there is no official thread from @Auto Finesse ??

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Hmm, doesn't look great. I'll stick with AutoGlym tyre dressing which I rate highly.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
see i cant could never get autoglym's dressings to last. If the BBC forecast hinted at rain it would fall off, didn't need to wait for it to rain!

looked nice when it was still on the tyre


ClioSport Club Member
Lack of Wednesday Waxathons the past few weeks, no Tyre Creme test thread, and on DW there is also a Total test thread which hasn't appeared on here.
  AG 200 CUP
I didn't even receive the tyre creme this month :( no Wednesday waxathon on here but was on Facebook yesterday, not sure what is going on?


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Yeah need to know if the panel is still running as I basically wait until I get a product before cleaning the car now... it's in desperate need! Don't want to do it this week then have to do it again next week.
