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  172Cup & 1987 BMW 635CSi

Came out of work yesterday to find that someone had tried to prise open my passenger door from the top, so it's now bent and lets in rain. On top of that, after realising they weren't getting into the car that way, they went round to my driver door and kicked a bloody great dent in it.
Outcome? two new b*****d doors required at the lovely sum of c.£200 EACH!!!!

:mad:Not happy.:mad:

Not happy at all...

I'm going out now, to buy a gun.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
You get more of a reaction if you buy a cheese grater and some tcp then apply both (in that order) to the little b******s face.
theres loads of post at the minute about peoples cars being broken in to. suppose its that time of year. B@STARDS
  172Cup & 1987 BMW 635CSi
Nope, No CCTV. Just bloody great dent in my car.

I'm now slightly embarrased sitting at lights, because people will see me as a stereotypical boy racer, with my jumped up hatchback, 'can't even drive it properly can you see the dent in the side he must park by touch keep well away from him' kind of thing going through their heads.

It doesn't occur to people that I may well have a hot-hatch, but I pay for that privelege, am a good driver, both in town and out on the open road, and am very courteous to other drivers.

I'm NEVER going to get out of busy junctions now...

f*****s :mad:

I've had a dent in my door since july now though as some git reversed into it in a car park and didn't leave details! lol

I have no shame :p lol


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Done anything to upset somebody recently??? s**t deal for you tho...little w*****s.
  The Tube
Can you bend the top of the door back? I had the same thing happen to my drivers door, little f*ckers prised the top of the door away from the car. I managed to bend it back ok.
Gutted for you though mate.
  Mini Cooper S sport
Oh that so s**t, gutted for you mate, what spiteful b******s. People make me so, so angry.

I think someone may have tried to do that to my car a couple of months back, but they must have been disturbed and just left me with a scratch all along the top of the door and across the roof instead..

  Ford Fiesta
take it its your cup that has been done?

not usual way of trying to get into clios that- by having a go at bending door.
  Liquid yellow 182
That's so friggin disgusting mate! Sorry to hear, hope you get it all sorted! I've just got myself a 182 after months of dreaming and am petrified of summat happening to it!! I feel sick thinking about it...can't imagine how you feel mate. Will be ok!
