Morning all.
I've been reading into and looking at different battery cables. I've been told that for the length I want (to relocate my battery behind the passenger seat) I need 10.1mm cable (25mm sq core) which is capable of 170 amps.
At the minute I've got an 8mm cable which I'm assuming has a 15mm sq core (capable of 110 amps)
Now my question is, how many amps does the engine/starter motor require from the battery for a start up? How many amps flows through the wires on general running?
The reason I ask is because I was looking at 'Vibe' circuit breakers. I've seen someone use one before when they moved their battery to the boot. Are they necessary? (I don't have any audio equipment to worry about)
I've been reading into and looking at different battery cables. I've been told that for the length I want (to relocate my battery behind the passenger seat) I need 10.1mm cable (25mm sq core) which is capable of 170 amps.
At the minute I've got an 8mm cable which I'm assuming has a 15mm sq core (capable of 110 amps)
Now my question is, how many amps does the engine/starter motor require from the battery for a start up? How many amps flows through the wires on general running?
The reason I ask is because I was looking at 'Vibe' circuit breakers. I've seen someone use one before when they moved their battery to the boot. Are they necessary? (I don't have any audio equipment to worry about)