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Benkay's Titanium PH1 172

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Lol, I think I'd need to grind bits of my hips off! But yeah that could also work. Gonna have a proper look at finances and see what I can do. A lot depends on the 225 selling I guess, advertising that in feb.


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Ph2 + Audi S3(8V)
Thanks Chris. Polished her all up today and she looks stunning, going to be heart wrenching letting her go but I can't run 3 cars!

Yes the V6 will be staying don't worry :)


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Ph2 + Audi S3(8V)
Well, I polished her all up yesterday and have to say she looks stunning.

For the detailing nerds out there, this was the process :

1. Power rinse
2. Meguiars Snow Foam going over all knooks and crannies with a detailing brush
3. Rinse
4. Wheels with wheel woolly and bilberry cleaner.
4. 2BM with AF Lather.
5. Rinse
6. Autosmart Tardis all over (quite a bit of tar on lower panels)
7. MF wipe over and rinse
8. All over with IronX - not much contamination.
9. MF wipe over and rinse
10. Clay with Zaino Clay Bar
11. Rinse
12. Pat dry with plush MF towels
14. 3 coats of Zaino Z2 with EFX accelerator additive
15. Quick detail with Zaino Z8 gloss enhancer.
16. Zaino tyre treatment
17. AF revive on plastics.


Here's how she looks :




And inside....




Oh and a geeky beading shot from this morning :)

  172 cup
Nice car - would have been interested as per pm when you posted under 'what's it worth' a few weeks back. Committed to another mint ph1 now.


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Ph2 + Audi S3(8V)
And that is that, ladies and gentlemen.

The 172 has gone to a new home, one where I hope she will be cared for as well as her last 2 owners and where she will get some proper track use. She got picked up on Saturday evening and off to her new home near Guildford.

The new owner is on the forum and will hopefully put his own progress thread up soon.

Here she was, my final shots of her ready to go and packed up with her extensive "spares" package :)




And my final sight as she left...


So that just leaves me to say thanks for reading, I'm really going to miss the little beast but with a new car just 11 days away.... I'm definitely looking forward to my first new car and a few days of daily V6ing :)



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