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Bit of a noob to this, advice please

:eek: My current cleaning goes,

2 bucket method using meguiars gold class wash, dry with chammoe(sp) leather, and polish with meguiars.

Now i want to spend no more than around £100 on some better materials.

Need a better wash mit, better drying tool, better polish or wax which ever is better? Tyre gel aswell and any other recommendations.

A different budget will be set for a proper PC :)

Can anyone recommend products as looking on i4d, gets me confused as to what to get.

Thanks :eek:
  PH2 172
I'd go for the Sonus Wool Mitt and Der Wunder Drying Towel, and a couple of good plush Microfibre cloths for buffing. Don't forget applicator pads too, these are only a couple of quid.

Autoglym SRP is a good and comparatively cheap polish that has fillers to hide any swirl marks. With regards to wax, I'd pick up some Collinite 915 or 476 which are both very long lasting - handy with Autumn weather about to kick in.

That would be a good kit to start you off with, everything else you can build up over time when you get a better idea of what you want.
For example - you might decide to invest in a wax or sealant that complements your colour well, you could then add a layer of Collinite on top of it for extra protection, as you've already bought some.

You could also invest in a clay bar now though, the Bilt Hamber Regurlar or Soft are supposed to be excellent - although I've yet to try one.
Agree with the above but I'd go for:

Wash mitt: and Polish Mitts

Drying Towel:

As for wax, as said collinites is very durable but still gives a decent finish. Other you might want to consider are blackfire midnight sun (really brings out the flake in the paint), vics concours which is highly rated or clearkote if you prefer a wet look.
