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Blo0dDiamond: The TeamAriane Clio Project. str0ng.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

LOL at the gheyness.

You're missing some shinyauto's upgrades tho pal, what ever happened to that lad?

Car coming on nicely, I see. I shall race you to RS tuning for a dyno showdown.
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

used the car today as in USED it for the first time, such a different feeling to the megane but brilliant. lets just say the shift light was visable a few times.

brakes are getting changed this week as they are diabolical as is the exhaust which is coming off tomo. going for a OMP INOX style rear box and single pea shooter pipe. i know some dont like that but i'm not arsed, got some stickers to go on which i think ya'll will like and some new wipers and laguna splitter!

as christopher said today 'he's built u a GOOD one there...'
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

used the car today as in USED it for the first time, such a different feeling to the megane but brilliant. lets just say the shift light was visable a few times.

brakes are getting changed this week as they are diabolical as is the exhaust which is coming off tomo. going for a OMP INOX style rear box and single pea shooter pipe. i know some dont like that but i'm not arsed, got some stickers to go on which i think ya'll will like and some new wipers and laguna splitter!

as christopher said today 'he's built u a GOOD one there...'

quick that ph1.....
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

got riad the HID 6K sat from 'paul16v' cant recommend him enough, took about 4 mins to fit too, if that?! anyone looking to buy though, the connector for the ballast has to be inserted the wrong way round ;)

eitherway, minus 9, hungover, xmas day...


the look infinitly better, OEM almost, riads pic below makes them seem a little blue and dare i say chav but in reality they are spot on and like factory fit. its the quick pic and white balance/etc causing that..

as soon as i get xmas out of the way and i find a nice boss for the OMP wheel i'll crack on y0!

  Lotus Elise
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Liking the lights muchly.

when you getting them wheels bud ;)
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

not sure yannnno. theres millions of options we're looking at. the thoughts even crossed me to get the OZ's done white.... that wont please you though so the search goes on :)
  Lotus Elise
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

but thats was my idea. lol get sum team dynamics on it, ill have the Oz's and everyone is happy :D

Otherwise Sh!t will go down
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Looks good with the HIDs on, I'm sure I will see it in the next week or 2 anyway

Have a good day


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

not sure yannnno. theres millions of options we're looking at. the thoughts even crossed me to get the OZ's done white.... that wont please you though so the search goes on :)

White would look tasty, mikes had his turinis done recently and looks real nice. Failing that red looks good on the f1s imo, cant wait to get the speedlines back now :D

I still need to sort you those pics too, will dig it out and give it a clean up hopefully over the next few days if im home.

Loving the new lights btw-good addition.
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

cheers tom :)

pabloooo, hurry up with my pics ;)

this clio and modifying is becoming addictive again!
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

due to being full of the flu ive not been out nor in the mood for much, found 10 quid in my pocket this morning and went to tesco for some of their flat wiperblades.

they are s**t, like the iron giants penis... bad times. maybe its me being ill but i'm going to have to find some better ones that the 225/197 use, suppose they'll do for now mind. the washer jets are crap too, along with the exhaust and suspension.

i absolutely HEART the engine though, it actually sings...

anyway, some crap pictures.



god im not in the mood today..
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ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
got riad the HID 6K sat from 'paul16v' cant recommend him enough, took about 4 mins to fit too, if that?! anyone looking to buy though, the connector for the ballast has to be inserted the wrong way round ;)

eitherway, minus 9, hungover, xmas day...


the look infinitly better, OEM almost, riads pic below makes them seem a little blue and dare i say chav but in reality they are spot on and like factory fit. its the quick pic and white balance/etc causing that..

as soon as i get xmas out of the way and i find a nice boss for the OMP wheel i'll crack on y0!


I believe you called them chav led's when I fitted the same to mine. c**t.
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

yeh i did, i stand by what i said. brapping round Solihull, who do you think you are?! imran khan?


ClioSport Club Member
  Leon FR 184
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

costco stock alright flat blades. next meet at kk and ill pick you some up.
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

was out in it today and the only thing i like about it is the engine, gearbox and the use of two windows, hate to say it... ALL the things you fixed ;)
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

lol at bossrant.

on full lock it skips and the susp is just plain horrible, unless i can get some decent/cheap coilys for it what are decent lowering springs? brownbear mentioned them to me...
  M135i and the shed
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Better Eibach Sportlines than cheap tatt coilys imo Naith. Looking good thus far though. :)

Fred - Price on KW V3 for R26 when you're ready sir. ;)
  M135i and the shed
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

I'm gonna be a victim of the VAT increase aint i? :dead:

I'll just rob them off TDK. :D
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

i had eibachs on the megane for ages and they were OEM in ride and comfort. need to bin off the SPAX adjustables on the back too. erghhhh. cheap tatt.

i'll get a 'specialpricemyfriend' out of our irish engineer before the fourth chris seen as your one of my own ;) allthough you can have them off TDK, f**king nail...
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  M135i and the shed
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

i had eibachs on the megane for ages and they were OEM in ride and comfort. need to bin off the SPAX adjustables on the back too. erghhhh. cheap tatt.

i'll get a 'specialpricemyfriend' out of our irish engineer before the fourth chris seen as your one of my own ;) allthough you can have them off TDK, f**king nail...

Gent as always. :approve:

TDK aint a nail. Just an awkward female. :star:
