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Blo0dDiamond: The TeamAriane Clio Project. str0ng.

Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.


seeing jon.b on weds, having his rear bumper and exhaust...

and cheers tunst, you are a hero x
  alien green rs133
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

car sounds pretty quiet tbh :D wanna buy a cup racer exhaust blud?


ClioSport Admin
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Got a few funny looks when I listened to that video clip on the train earlier, they didn't appreciate the raw unsilenced power at full volume on the iPad. Oops.

To be fair, it makes my yozza seem silent in comparison.
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

lol yeh, its LOUD. its only when i'm going through the gears and low down/idle though. on the mway its lovely which pisses me off.

anyway its getting ALOT done to it this week so it'll end up ok :)
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

i am, hopefully, asap... picking the brake up tomo and rebuilding the rear hub, also sourced a spare rear axle incase mines foooked.
  Merc A class
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.


New wheel ordered! plus think i have sourced an orbisound from a cup racer! :D



ClioSport Club Member
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

And you think yours is loud? You heard a Obsisound race system? lol
  Megane 225 F1
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

You b*****d Riad. I was checking my funds to buy that :dapprove:


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

It doesn't sound too loud on the video but I bet it booms like mad, jonffs is more tinny than loud, orbisound will sound good but be super loud!! And wheel looks good aswell, thought u were using the one Naith got for his meg??

Any decent pics of the exhaust?
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

orbisounds only loud when you gun it though no? this isnt so loud just BOOOOOOOMY. be reee...

wheels, thursday/exhaust when we get it fitted :)
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

its nice and flush, just the offer of the orbisound is too much to turn down.

we'll fit this wheel straight into the clio and the other omp can go on the meg. which should have four wheels tomorrow.... should.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Sounds good and yeh the exhaust does look mint, fitment looks perfect and for the price danmar charge you can't go wrong, what tailpipes are on the new exhaust?
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

went up to see Scott @ Autopride today in preston. he's a mate and a paintchip/scratch repair tech. he's done my badges and some marks on the megane before not to mentions sorting out my new front bumper.

we decided that we wanted the strips doing phase two, riads mate let him down on the bullets front but Christopher is giving us his old RB ones so i can get them sprayed up next week. so into the garage and cracked on, scotched them down and smoothed and scott set about mixing up the paint whilst i cleaned the car and got rid of some hidden door dirt around the sidestrips...


excuse window cleaner in shot!

When the car was bought the window was held up with tape, it was a mess, to this day i couldnt get rid of the residue but scott just got a razor blade out and scraped it off, shows how stupid i can be... FFS.


Anyway after some fixing, scotching and tidying of the strips they were given paint and left to dry.


then laquered.


The car is sat on 2118's at the moment, the OZ's are off to go to the powdercoater, as much as we'd love them to stay on they are pablo's wheels :(

but the plans for the OZ' s will make up for it, trust me. Also refitted the badges off the rear back on. The 'Renault' and 'clio'... getting rid of the holes that were there, thanks for the badges tunst. no sport though as i think it looks sleeper and clean without :)

scott also cut into the headlights which were heavily marred and hologrammed, he cut away alot but i'm having christopher redo them again tomo as I know he can get them spotless.


more to come tomorrow, including a full interior clean and headlight correction and finally some decent pics.. sorry ofr quality of bb pics

Last edited:

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Very tidy. Love white wheels on a silver car!
  200 Gordini
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Looks so good on the 2118s :( You going to let us know the plans for the OZs or do we have to wait?


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Looking good mate, sits well on the 2118's.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

F*ck me that's a good spray job for a DIY effort! Does he remove dents, too? I have some.

See you tomorrow mate, I'll bring those badges for you. Do you have wet & dry paper, yeah?
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

i have some but i'll get it tomorrow from garage. if not b&q is only round't corner mind.

scotts bob on, he has a dent man. i can organise a dentday soon? :)
  Merc A class
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Want to keep these wheels so much :(

PS any body have any 2118's for sale?
  Lionel Richie
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

^you'll end up having a car that looks like every other car on here LOL!
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

Get the airfeeds off that airbox! You'll love the noise. You'll be shocked how much extra induction noise you get.
Re: The 'TeamAriane' clio... Ghetto goodness.

it'll look bang on set up with the OZ's... airfeeds off, warm air in... mmmm NOT

