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Bowen's 182 pt.2

  Clio, Golf and Ceed
Recognise the Golf R estate from the owners group on Facebook. I sold mine recently and bought myself a little track project aswell.


ClioSport Club Member
  Trophy 193
Recently sold my daily...
View attachment 1565182

So the Clio was/is being used as a daily for the time being. The previous knocking which I thought was the exhaust hanger, well it wasn't. After fitting the Pro-am hanger supports, the knocking was still there and REALLY obvious. Like a wheel was loose. I noticed pedestrians could hear it too.
Further investigations, it was the lower collar for the rear coilover. Quick tighten up and sorted.

During the refresh of the engine bay I snapped the MAP sensor. A call out on here and @Louis came to my rescue and offered me a MAP sensor, I just had to cover postage. I gave him some beer tokens too and it was on its way to me.

Damaged sensor vs the one Louis provided.
View attachment 1565183

In and the engine fired in to life and after a little while the idle settled nicely.
View attachment 1565184

Thanks again to @Louis for sorting me out.
Loved your Golf - followed it on VWROC.


ClioSport Club Member
Time to update, not that there's much to update, this thread.

Not used the Clio over winter, nor the M3. I acquired a MK4 Golf PD150 to smoke around in.

Contemplated selling the Clio briefly. Lack of use and space, meant it was on the chopping block. Quickly came to my senses and built another driveway for the fleet.

Not touched the Clio since Nov. Sorn'd etc. Needed a boost to spur me in to action so booked a track day in early May. Recently, the weather has gotten better and the MOT was due. So with what MOT it had remaining I took it for spin over some local roads....and fell back in love with it.

MOT tomorrow pray for me.



ClioSport Club Member
Why do they do this, I saw one the other day ‘cambelt due??’ It ruins a cars history for nothing.
I've honestly just sat here for the past 5 mins imagining the argument I would have with the tester if they put that down as an advisory.

f**king wet wipe c**t thing to do, what the actual f**k does a cambelt have to do with an MOT


ClioSport Club Member

A little while back I lost the third brake light, I've no idea how. We'll, I have an idea and it involves my own stupidity.

Anyway. I did some deep investigation, taking the spoiler off, brake light out and the circuit board off the back.

Just to test if I had an actual feed to the brake light wiring I plumbed in some Christmas LEDS.

View attachment 1558967
Which to my delight worked. So I knew the issue was with the light and not the wiring. I did contemplate cutting the LEDS down and putting them in the brake light housing, I mean of it works right?

I took my attention back to the renault brake light.

View attachment 1558965
This little crispy bugger was barely connected so I ripped that off. Doesn't work so what do I have to lose?

I don't know what that Resistor did but it isn't needed it seems.
View attachment 1558968

All back together and I have a working 3rd brake light.



ClioSport Club Member
Btw, that resistor is needed to a degree. It looks like a series current limiting resistor. LEDs will slowly die without it. There is a chance the resistor is also a fused resistor, designed to go open circuit if one of the LEDs fails.

In this case, over time an LED will eventually fail, sometimes they fail as a short so at best all the other LEDs will stop lighting at worst it might blow the fuse for the rest of the brake light or release some magic smoke.
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ClioSport Club Member
Btw, that resistor is needed to a degree. It looks like a series current limiting resistor. LEDs will slowly die without it. There is a chance the resistor is also a fused resistor, designed to go open circuit if one of the LEDs fails.

In this case, over time an LED will eventually fail, sometimes they fail as a short so at best all the other LEDs will stop lighting at worst it might blow the fuse for the rest of the brake light or release some magic smoke.

Ok, don't remove it in that case.

I actually don't own this Clio anymore. Hope the new owner likes magic smoke!


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep
Its a good fix though (y), just instead of jumping the resistor buy another on Amazon (or where ever) and solder that in - I am assuming its in series with the LEDs too.
I’ve never done any real soldering and wouldn’t know where to begin to look for what the resistor is as all mine are rusty brown lol
