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Bowen's 182 pt.2


ClioSport Club Member
Haha yes,let me know how you get on with that mate,i always hold my flask between my legs 😆
Got a few ideas... Watch this space.

Did you get a printout?

You know, I didn't. Didn't even dawn on me until you said that. Tom is very old school in his method (although he's really young, well, younger than me) using scales, string and ballasts and not hunter alignment machines. I didn't even see a machine in there, apart from a 4 post lift, so I thinking about it I don't really expect a he does printouts.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Went to see Tom at the motorworks who is a genius when it comes to corner weighting and geo etc.

The drive there was uneventful the steering was out but it drive straight enough.

Met Tom discussed what I wanted from the setup and what the car will be used for and took my hefty frame in to consideration for the corner weighting.
View attachment 1553798

No sooner had I walked to a nearby Mcdonalds for a coffee, Tom sends me a video... I won't put it here but imagine what a wheel would do if it had a very loose camber bolt. He asked who fitted them, I said a local mechanic, it was me.

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View attachment 1553800

Whilst Tom was fixing my mistake and making it point straight the wife and I popped in to Gloucester centre and spent a small fortune.

Had the call and the car was ready. Raised ever so slightly, corner weighted and pointing straight. I asked Tom for a fast road/track geo (leaning towards track as its not a daily).

The drive home was AWESOME. The Clio is now so "darty", "direct" and "nimble" all the other verbs.

Can recommend the motorworks to anyone who needs a proper geo.
Corner weighting was the best money I’ve ever spent on my Clio track car and I’ve spent a lot.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Got a few ideas... Watch this space.

You know, I didn't. Didn't even dawn on me until you said that. Tom is very old school in his method (although he's really young, well, younger than me) using scales, string and ballasts and not hunter alignment machines. I didn't even see a machine in there, apart from a 4 post lift, so I thinking about it I don't really expect a he does printouts.
I dont mean before and after as such, just as a general idea on what hes set it up as! Worth asking him I'd say.


ClioSport Club Member
I've arranged a drive out this bank holiday weekend of some of the best roads in Wales. There's a group of 15 of us. The aim is to have fun, take photos, drink coffee, talk shite and raise money for charity.

The route is about 4hrs long. That's when it hit me...

CUP HOLDER for my coffee.

Did a bit of googling and no real answer. I wanted something robust and not flimsy hanging off an airvent.

In steps this bad boy.


As it comes from the ebay seller, its not the best. No screws and the edge where the drink sits is a sharp metal edge.

I used number plate screws with the black caps to give it a better finish and a cut open vac line to coat the edge, giving it a more robust hold. Pleased to say it hold my drink snuggly.

Best mod yet.


ClioSport Club Member
In other news...and where I need some help...

I removed the rear door cards and intend on putting some "track door cards" in place of the originals. This left the wires hanging out looking crap. I'll tidy them up I thought.

Big mistake. In my effort to tidy things up I've lost power to the 3rd brake light? I've put a multimeter on it and nadda

Separately the boot light had power but doesn't light up? It's getting 11volts and nothing. Tried a new bulb nope.

Yeah, help? Any wiring diagrams out there?


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
I've arranged a drive out this bank holiday weekend of some of the best roads in Wales. There's a group of 15 of us. The aim is to have fun, take photos, drink coffee, talk shite and raise money for charity.

The route is about 4hrs long. That's when it hit me...

CUP HOLDER for my coffee.

Did a bit of googling and no real answer. I wanted something robust and not flimsy hanging off an airvent.

In steps this bad boy. View attachment 1554804

View attachment 1554805View attachment 1554806

As it comes from the ebay seller, its not the best. No screws and the edge where the drink sits is a sharp metal edge.

I used number plate screws with the black caps to give it a better finish and a cut open vac line to coat the edge, giving it a more robust hold. Pleased to say it hold my drink snuggly.

Best mod yet.

Best update to date.

Although I'm with @frayz I'm looking for options for my Clio but would prefer something more OEM. I saw some chap makes a 3d printed one on here which sits behind the handbrake which looked ok.


ClioSport Trader
  Cliosport 182 ff
It’s in the pipeline guys, once my Twingo parts are on the shelf il get sorting this out for you lot. 👌🏼


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
I’d thought about trying to incorporate an e91 cup holder into mine either under the drivers heater vent or in place of the hazard switch panel. The poppy outyness would work well. I bought one then realised I lacked the skill or effort to make it work but it would be a fantastic oem ish solution



ClioSport Club Member
I arranged a drive on some of the best roads in Wales and we had a great turn out and a few hundred pounds raised for charity, which is great.

The clio did really well. Comfortable and kept up with a lot more quicker machines on the twisties, not so much on the straights.

Towards the end of the day I felt like the steering was getting heavy, the pump is silent so perhaps the fluid needs changing. PBS pads were great but squeaky. Cup holder, perfect! I also played with the damper settings, which was fun. DRNT Tyres were really good too.

I was playing photographer all day so go very few of my own car which is always the case.




Wipe down ready for the Farmers Fayre and Caffeine&Machine meet.


ClioSport Club Member

A little while back I lost the third brake light, I've no idea how. We'll, I have an idea and it involves my own stupidity.

Anyway. I did some deep investigation, taking the spoiler off, brake light out and the circuit board off the back.

Just to test if I had an actual feed to the brake light wiring I plumbed in some Christmas LEDS.


Which to my delight worked. So I knew the issue was with the light and not the wiring. I did contemplate cutting the LEDS down and putting them in the brake light housing, I mean of it works right?

I took my attention back to the renault brake light.


This little crispy bugger was barely connected so I ripped that off. Doesn't work so what do I have to lose?

I don't know what that Resistor did but it isn't needed it seems.

All back together and I have a working 3rd brake light.


ClioSport Club Member
While pulling my hair out (I've literally none left) trying to figure out the above issue I turned my attention to something that had been bothering me. The unpainted PMS shaft.



After (not the best pic but its satin black)

Small change but big difference.


ClioSport Club Member
Lastly and most recently.

I replaced the Orange indicators with silver tech ones, don't worry that's not the update. While I was doing this, one thing lead to another and I ended up removing the chunk of metal that sits below the engine mount.

Fair bit of weight to this.

Which then lead me to notice this.



So I've ordered a new mount and currently looking for some fresh bolts and washers.

That's all for now.


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Any noticeable increase in vibrations? Are these fitted to cups, If they are why didn't they rip them out in their weight saving frenzy I wonder?


ClioSport Club Member
I still have that metal lump on mine also that i want to remove,im not sure on what its for tho maybe something to do with headlight adjustment or to reduce vibrations🤷🏼‍♂️

Was it easy to remove? @bowen86
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ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
I still have that metal lump on mine also that i want to remove,im not sure on what its for tho maybe something to do with headlight adjustment or to reduce vibrations🤷🏼‍♂️

Was it easy to remove? @bowen86
I believe its to harmonise vibrations, like the huge amounts of weight they attach to some Range/Land Rovers


ClioSport Club Member
Any noticeable increase in vibrations? Are these fitted to cups, If they are why didn't they rip them out in their weight saving frenzy I wonder?
I've not actually driven it since removing it. I did however remove it from my previous 182 and noticed that absolutely nothing changed. So take from that what you will.

Mine is a Cup and is/was present. Previous 182 wasn't a cup and again it was there.

I still have that metal lump on mine also that i want to remove,im not sure on what its for tho maybe something to do with headlight adjustment or to reduce vibrations🤷🏼‍♂️

Was it easy to remove? @bowen86

I'm lead to believe its a counter weight to reduce NVH from the car but given that it's a 16 year old French tin on coilovers I highly doubt it did anything in my car.

It's probably like the air noise thing under the passenger headlight, probably did something when the clio was being developed, now, not so much. Times and tech, changes.

Very easy to remove.

Support the engine.

Undo the engine mount 5 16mm bolts.

Remove engine mount.

You'll see the bolt that holds the metal chunk to the car.

Undo that, give it to the scrap men.

Put it all back together.

Took me 10mins. If that.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio RB 182
Great thread this.
Cars looking good.

The weight 2.7 kg I weighed mine this morning after removing it.

Just out of interest have you removed your Carbon Canister as well?



ClioSport Club Member
Great thread this.

Thanks mate. Currently fitting a stud and nut kit and sat in the garage having a brew.

Yeah carbon canister is gone but the but at the top is plugged in? I assume to stop and engine light coming on.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio RB 182
Thanks mate. Currently fitting a stud and nut kit and sat in the garage having a brew.

Yeah carbon canister is gone but the but at the top is plugged in? I assume to stop and engine light coming on.
Well this is what I'm trying to find out.
Some remove it and fit a resistor to stop the light coming on.

Some leave the top In.
Mixed reviews, May look at doing a Guide when I'm happy to do it.



ClioSport Club Member
Well this is what I'm trying to find out.
Some remove it and fit a resistor to stop the light coming on.

Some leave the top In.
Mixed reviews, May look at doing a Guide when I'm happy to do it.

Don't know if it helps but the top of mine IS plugged in and I don't have an EML.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm in between jobs, well using up all my annual leave before starting my new job, so trying to keep myself busy.

Thought I'd give the Clio's engine bay a spruce.





Apologies the images are huge...


ClioSport Club Member
I've been meaning to do this for a while but I couldn't bring myself to pay so much for a tiny piece of plastic and the postage be half the price of the item.....


I cannot tell you the satisfaction seeing that piece of plastic fitted and the ugly whole gone brings me. Sad but true.


ClioSport Club Member
New exhaust hanger supports arrived today from Pro-am.

Great quality product and very reasonably priced too.


On the hunt for A MAP sensor. I assume everyone will say buy genuine but before I do is there another brand or somewhere to source a decent MAP sensor?


ClioSport Club Member
Recently sold my daily...

So the Clio was/is being used as a daily for the time being. The previous knocking which I thought was the exhaust hanger, well it wasn't. After fitting the Pro-am hanger supports, the knocking was still there and REALLY obvious. Like a wheel was loose. I noticed pedestrians could hear it too.
Further investigations, it was the lower collar for the rear coilover. Quick tighten up and sorted.

During the refresh of the engine bay I snapped the MAP sensor. A call out on here and @Louis came to my rescue and offered me a MAP sensor, I just had to cover postage. I gave him some beer tokens too and it was on its way to me.

Damaged sensor vs the one Louis provided.

In and the engine fired in to life and after a little while the idle settled nicely.

Thanks again to @Louis for sorting me out.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Recently sold my daily...
View attachment 1565182

So the Clio was/is being used as a daily for the time being. The previous knocking which I thought was the exhaust hanger, well it wasn't. After fitting the Pro-am hanger supports, the knocking was still there and REALLY obvious. Like a wheel was loose. I noticed pedestrians could hear it too.
Further investigations, it was the lower collar for the rear coilover. Quick tighten up and sorted.

During the refresh of the engine bay I snapped the MAP sensor. A call out on here and @Louis came to my rescue and offered me a MAP sensor, I just had to cover postage. I gave him some beer tokens too and it was on its way to me.

Damaged sensor vs the one Louis provided.
View attachment 1565183

In and the engine fired in to life and after a little while the idle settled nicely.
View attachment 1565184

Thanks again to @Louis for sorting me out.
Glad you're sorted. They're new orings on there too which should hopefully mean they seal well!!
