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Braided Brake Lines


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Getting a full rear brake overhaul in a couple of weeks and im wondering if its worth buying braided brake lines. Has anyone fitted them and is it worth doing them ??

Its all renault standard items that i will be using.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Best Place To Get Them ?

Kam Racing - Goodridge Braided Lines = £57
K-tec - KTR Braided Brake Lines = £66


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
What makes them so good over standard?

K-Tec Say =
A set of 4 braided brake lines complete with stainless steel fixings, these lines give a firmer pedal feel and do not expand under extreme braking

Kam Racing Say =
Goodridge stainless steel braided line kits are very effective in preventing hose expansion under braking, allowing all of the applied brake pedal pressure to reach the callipers.
These Goodridge braided hoses give a firmer pedal feel and more consistent braking over the o/e braking system eliminating inconsistent brake fluid flow and pedal pressure.
Goodridge stainless braided hoses are resistant to abrasion and corrosion making them ideal for extreme braking environments. Their unique construction means that Goodridge braided hoses have the tightest bend radius in the industry and the lowest rate of expansion. The quality and expertise makes Goodridge the leading brake line supplier to championship winning race teams worldwide.
  C3 Picasso Beast
Im going to be doing the whole lot but its the rears im doing this month and then next month i will doing front discs and pads.

Ah OK was just wondering as I was considering getting my rears done while my rear brakes are overhauled but Dan @ 519 said it's not worth just doing the rears if I'm not getting the fronts done soon :)
