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Burpspeed Version 2: Race Car Build

  221bhp/ton Mondial Terror
You got an official weight for the car now Jay and Tony? Im sure you guys have estimated at around 850kg. Just wondering how far off it is? Love the new paint job, nice and fresh! :approve:
  182cup & 172 racecar
We have had to start adding bits back in,headlights,wiring,bigger catch tank etc so I would imagine it´s gone up slightly.Can.t get the power onto the track anyway.
Might get Fred to put a bag of cement under the bonnet.
  Lionel Richie
with 35kg of ballast (to simulate 40L of fuel, yes i went about 5kg over, but the tank is drivers side biased) and me on board (cira 80kg depending on how well my morning drop off goes) the car is 1015kg

bit of a tw*t to do this one as we have 2 drivers experiencing 2 fuel loads, so we have to try and balance the understeer/oversteer associated with fuel loads, so trying to get the front/rear weight distribution right with/without fuel PLUS the camber, castor, toe corner weights yada yada yada

basically a never ending story, but i love doing setups :D

we found why the front left was locking up/spinning its tits off, it was missing 90kg of downward pressure Vs the drivers side - not far off a std cup infact
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  172 Ph1, Lupo GTI
I've not really looked at a clio fuel tank or the rules.. do you have to run a standard tank in this series? Are you allowed to modify it? I know a few Pug 205 owners who were cutting down their tanks and plastic welding them half the size. Now could you effectively cut and seal off a significant part of the tank so a full tank is just enough for racing, but also moving bias towards the passenger side? Or do this internally so not obvious..
  172 Race Car
I've not really looked at a clio fuel tank or the rules.. do you have to run a standard tank in this series? Are you allowed to modify it? I know a few Pug 205 owners who were cutting down their tanks and plastic welding them half the size. Now could you effectively cut and seal off a significant part of the tank so a full tank is just enough for racing, but also moving bias towards the passenger side? Or do this internally so not obvious..
As bomber says we use as much as 45 litres in some races. if we ever did the 1 hour race at Spa we would only just have a enough with a standard size tank
  Mazda 3 MPS Mk1
As tony has said above, on track they do really drink with bodies! i realised this at donnington!
  Mazda 3 MPS Mk1
lol i WISH it had of been for running out of fuel! would have been a lot cheaper :D

Thanks for all your help on the day again mate :D

Top Bloke
  Golf GTD Mk7
with 35kg of ballast (to simulate 40L of fuel, yes i went about 5kg over, but the tank is drivers side biased) and me on board (cira 80kg depending on how well my morning drop off goes) the car is 1015kg

bit of a tw*t to do this one as we have 2 drivers experiencing 2 fuel loads, so we have to try and balance the understeer/oversteer associated with fuel loads, so trying to get the front/rear weight distribution right with/without fuel PLUS the camber, castor, toe corner weights yada yada yada

basically a never ending story, but i love doing setups :D

we found why the front left was locking up/spinning its tits off, it was missing 90kg of downward pressure Vs the drivers side - not far off a std cup infact

Interesting mate. Bet that took a while. Does it sit lob sided now without driver in?
  Golf GTD Mk7
1ltr per min does not get you very far.

This is what worries me a little. I'm getting mine mapped on 95, but somewhere like Oulton which is roughly 2min per lap, fuel will disappear in no time. I'm suprised you manage to finish a race? Presumably refueling isn't allowed in tintop. I'm going to have to invest in some big drums to take with me on trackdays I think (not paying circuit price, robbing c**ts). Plus yours is a dam sight lighter than mine, so that will make it worse.

Is forced induction as bad Dave? what is the beast managing on track?
Do you just brim it Tony, or do you run a calculated fuel load?

From what I've seen, they put quite a bit in for the practice session (which I think is 20mins, although I maybe wrong). See how much they used, and then for the 40min race would be roughly twice as much used.

I think that's roughly how they do it, but I'm sure Tony or Jay would know better ;)

I don't think they've run out of fuel in a race or any session, but I know they've come VERY close. It's a bit of a gamble as they don't have a 'live' fuel gauge, they can only check the level when the car is back in the garage.
  172 Race Car
its a 50 litre tank so we can work out how much we need roughly. we have finished races with 1/4 tank before but obviously with long SC period we use much less
  172 Race Car
30 MIN Practice/Quali
40 MIN Race

So somewhere like Mallory its around 45 laps, where as Oulton its around 20 laps
  Golf GTD Mk7
Thirsty bugger hey ;) I better start saving for fuel too. Usually do about 10-15 laps at a time on trackdays, with about half hour in between, so based on that i'm looking at nearly 4 tanks for the day including travel. :eek: I hope the noise is worth it :D
  182cup & 172 racecar
Thats another reason why doing track days starts to get close to racing,money wise anyway.We will use about a tank and a half all day.
  172 Race Car
Originaly planned for winter '11/'12. we changed our minds to getting it done during our summer break and then decided to give it a go for getting it done for Brands.

Timescale was/is tight but we have some great people helping us and got it all done.

We had a scruffy old 182 box to use, it was in a real bad sate, needed almost everything replacing. bearings, seals, syncros, selector forks etc. Took it up to Agency, our gearbox builder, mid march, The old diff got sent off to Quaife about 3 weeks ago and they did the crown wheel swap. New diff with our C/W arrived on monday. Dropped off at Agency Transmission on Tuesday morning and the box was built back up before 11:30 the same day. So its all ready to go and all being well will be in the car by Sunday evening.

Thanks to Curtis at AST, Phil at Quaife and Martin at Agency transmissions, it looks like we shall go to the ball
