Sunday 6th December 2009 - Paint complete
Tony has been busy this weekend but now all the paint work is done. I had to work this weekend so he had to do it all himself. The whole thing was rubbed down on friday night and them masked up. The first coat of primer went on early Saturday morning. Then the white later in the day.
Monday 7th December 2009 - Rain Light
To meet the regulations we have to have a bright red LED rain light to use in wet conditions. A few ideas on where to mount it were discussed but most cars we've seen run them inside the car. A bracket had to be made to mount it to the roof just inside the boot. First bolted together to get the correct angle, then when we were happy it was welded in position. The bracket given a coat of white paint and the rain light bolted to it. Then finally attached to the car.
Another small job was to mount the new fuse and relay box inside the glovebox. The back had to be cut out to make it easier to get the wires into. The fuse/relay box dropped nicely into some slots cut in the base and bolted to the top to secure.
Tuesday 8th December 2009 - Loom Building
Now that the car is painted we felt the time as right to get the front screen replaced. It was cracked when we bought the shell. A local firm, Wizard Windscreens came out bright and early to fit one for us. Its so clean and clear.
We started with a massive box of wire with many, many different colours and lengths. These had been worked out over many late nights to make sure we had all we needed. As with all best made plans, we didn't. The rear of the car was a good a place to start as any. After fitting the nearside rear light, the loom began to take shape. A brake light and indicator is all that was needed so a grand total of 2 wires was carefully wrapped in loom tape and secured along the back panel towards the off side rear light.
Once at the offside light a 3rd and 4th wire were added. One for the indicator on that side and another for the rain light. The rain light wire routed up the 'C' pillar along with a brake feed for the centre brake light on the tailgate. Again loom taped and 'P' clipped neatly into place.
It was taking forever, but was turning out better than we had expected. A fuel pump feed and earth were fed into the spare wheel well and taped into the loom, as well as a feed for the stock, in tank pump. (We are running a second fuel pump and swirl pot, more on that in a later update) The loom then ran along the drivers sill and towards the offside front footwell.
We were up to the dash now so the brake light wire had to be connected to the pedal switch. The lower steering column cover was then fitted and had to be modified to fit. As we are using phase 2 covers on a phase 1 column, none of the screw holes lined up. The reason we swapped them is the fact that the top cover just clips to the lower cover, rather than screwed in place on the phase 1 version. It makes it easier to mount the display and make changes.
The bundle of loom was starting to get bigger at this point, as we added in the wires to run the dash display and indicator relay. Any joins that had to be made were done using heat-shrink butt connectors. These are crimped as normal using an appropriate crimping tool, then heated with a hot air gun so they shrink down around the wire. They also release some glue when heated to make a very solid and secure, waterproof joint.
While I concentrated on getting the dash display and indicators working properly, Tony finished off the battery installation. A cable was feed from the cut out relay, along the passenger floor and through the bulkhead to the mega fuse holder in the engine bay.
Cutout switches were then fitted to the nearside scuttle panel (outside) and to the offside lower dash (inside) These control the cutout relay. We are also using them as a main ignition switch. That was it for today. 10 hours with wires was enough