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Business Phone and broadband recommendations

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

I currently run a business part time while working full time. Anyway we are ready to move into running it full time and have just started renting an office.

We need to get phones and broadband in there, and was planning on a similar setup to what we have now. BT business line and Nildram broadband.

Just wondering if there are any other recommendation that we could consider instead, maybe to save a few quid!

My mate mentioned post office phoneline and broadband, but iv read nowt but bad reviews about it!

  Tesla MP3 2021
Are you after a Business package for the service or just an "off the shelf" package....
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
Not 100% sure matey, it depends what a business package will offer us?

Basically just need a phone line and decent broadband. Everything else I can sort myself! We dont need anything fancy, but I thought there might be a better deal out there than having a seperate BT line and broadband connection.

Also someone mentioned on here a while back (and I cant find the original thread now) about a linux based telephone management system which runs on a PC and manages calls/voice mails/etc!

Can anyone remind me what it was called?

