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Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Unable to select a load of operators since the update.
Battlepass gives you skins, unable to even view them, just skips straight passed.
Menu screen has gone laggy as f**k on the PS4. Tried to change loadout gun, select new gun, kicks back to lobby menu. Hopefully it's better on the PS5 when I get home.


ClioSport Club Member
Which guns got nerfs and buffs?

Nothing was really buffed but the C58, MG82 and EM-2 got nerfed. MG82 has been hit pretty hard by looks of it.



ClioSport Club Member
Quads is Iron Trials this week. The other three are normal.

Changes weekly.

Yeah I saw that but only at weekends sadly. Be interesting to see how it works in quads and solos later in the month.

I feel like this game is popular enough they could just run both side by side permanently without it diluting too much but don't see that happening.


ClioSport Club Member
DMR was fun but it definitely had to go. The bullets would just rip through vehicles too wiping people out of helicopters with ease. It was fun while it lasted.


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Had a bit of a mooch around downtown in Plunder, could be interesting. Think the rest of the map looked the same though.

Decided to cram some more wins together to get rid of 'em haha.

