So its an "exact replica", but it "doesn't have the leather bucket seats".
1. They aren't 225 wheels.
2. Its got a Ph2 rear bumper on a Ph1.
3. It hasn't got the RS upper grille in the front bumper.
4. It hasn't got a lower grille at all in the front bumper.
5. It hasn't got the front bumper interior plastics fitted.
6. Really fast???! Its a 1.6!!11!11
7. Its riding at blimp height.
8. Exact replica but it hasn't got the RS seats in, or dials, or interior plastics.
Need I go on? What a f**king dickhead.
Ah good. Another satisfying confirmation that terminating my eBay account was the right thing to do many years ago !
Goooooooood grief.
No time wasters ? Hello bored people of CS...
hello mate ive not had this car too long, insurance abit expensive for me, the guy who ive bought it off this is what hes told me basically that hes upgraded the ecu stuff like that really mate all i no
:rofl:sent him a link to this page saying his car is famous and would like to no more about it being wired up