Bit over £5k I'd guess fitted you need to find a place (probably a renault tunner) who would like a project car as such.would be pretty good that
how much cash would it be?
just thinking if you got it done you could tune it etc without the usual "caution" you have to aplly if you turbo you n/a clio
How much are the meggy engines for a start ha!
As you said the F4RT is a better tunning base for turboing.
i would be up for that if someones up for doing it!!
6000k the turbo kits for clios etc, why not go one better and get a better base to start with. Bang a standard engine in 225 bhp, then boast, maps etc and any mods are just gonna increase it all major
what (iyo) edde would you be able to run on it? 300bhp would be amazing, but is the clio strong enough.
I have about 6000-7000 dispossiable imcome i could look at putting into this...