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CANON Lens Help Please?

  Honda. Tesla Someday
Hello everyone, (sorry for long post)

I see myself as a budding amateur photographer. I have a Canon 1000D DSLR (great starter camera) with an 18-55 kit lens (non IS).

I have taken literally thousands of pictures and am slowly trying to perfect using manual. I'm in love with it!!

People on here are AMAZING photographers, so I think its the best place for advice.

Seeing as I have an 18-55 Canon kit lens (non IS), its just not enough any more. Ive been doing some research and I really want to be able to zoom to at least 200mm.

There is a Canon 55-250 IS lens here:

However, there is a 'newer' version here:

The question I have is... whats the difference?

Sadly I have even more questions!!!

I would LIKE to be able to go from 18mm to 250mm (or even 200mm) and there are lenses for that too!!

For example, this is a Canon 18-200:

and this is a Sigma 18-250:

Whilst researching all this, I found that people and reviews were saying that getting a lens which ranges from 18mm all the way up to 200mm+ has flaws. As in, there is an issue with the way the pictures turn out. These lenses are obviously a lot more expensive too because of the range they cover.

My questions are:

Should I get a Canon 55-250 IS Lens and keep swapping between that and my old 18-55? - and if this is the option, which Canon 55-250?

Is there a drawback with getting a lens which ranges from 18mm-200mm+?

Is Sigma any good?

Is Tamron any good?

Which is better / best?

Should I get a filter? If so, which one? WTF is a 'Hoya' or a 'UV' filter and what on earth do they do!?

As you can see, I am a little (very) clueless! Ask me computer related questions and I am a whizz, but this is doing my head in and a I can't decide.

Also, I am not a CS millionaire so please try not to recommend anything which is going to make me need to have a loan shark chase me and break my legs.

Thank you for reading and I'm sorry to be a pain.
Plenty of interesting questions here.

Personally, I'd agree with the theory that a lens from 18-200 or even 250 is probably going to be compromised, especially towards the 18 end of the scale.

I have used a friend's 55-250 on my 550D and found it to be really sharp, good build quality and having looked at prices to buy my own, it didn't seem too expensive and reviews were good. The newer version is probably a bit sharper/faster/better, but I found the 55-250 to be amazing so don't see the need to pay more on a newer version.

Sigma and Tamron are both decent brands. In my opinion it depends on the specific lens and what you want to use it for. I read the reviews comparing the Sigma/Tamron/Canon/Tokina lens when I was looking for a wide angle lens. It seems like certain brand lenses are better for certain uses, it just depends whether you want a big zoom lens, a telephoto, a wide angle or whatever. The non-Canon ones are likely to be a bit cheaper and usually just as good in my experience/from reading many reviews. I did read that Canon brand lenses depreciate more slowly than non-Canon though, might be worth bearing in mind.

Filters wise, I don't use them personally, but others here do. I'm sure they can give better answers :)
Here goes!

Seeing as I have an 18-55 Canon kit lens (non IS), its just not enough any more. Ive been doing some research and I really want to be able to zoom to at least 200mm.

There is a Canon 55-250 IS lens here:

However, there is a 'newer' version here:

The question I have is... whats the difference?
I made a similar thread to this when I wanted a telephoto lens and to be honest, I'm not 100% sure on the difference, but I have the second one and it's brilliant for the price.

I'm still learning, but here are some pics I took at Dudley Zoo and here are some from BTCC this weekend just gone. I'm still learning, so they're not the best - but you'll get an idea of what you could achieve with this lens and more!

Should I get a Canon 55-250 IS Lens and keep swapping between that and my old 18-55? - and if this is the option, which Canon 55-250?

Is there a drawback with getting a lens which ranges from 18mm-200mm+?
I'm not gonna lie, it can be a ball ache jumping between lens when in a hurry. I saw some deer at Cannock Chase about six weeks ago and couldn't swap my lens fast enough and missed the shot. Sometimes I wish my 18-55 was an 18-200 and visa versa. With that said, I still absolutely love my 55-250.

Is Sigma any good?

Is Tamron any good?

Which is better / best?
I'm not 100% sure, but I hear more about the quality of Sigma than anything else.

Should I get a filter? If so, which one? WTF is a 'Hoya' or a 'UV' filter and what on earth do they do!?
UV stands for Ultra Violet.
Hoya is a brand.

You could buy a Hoya UV or a Jessops UV. I have both and UV makes very little/if any difference IMO. On the other hand, they do protect my lens, so I leave them on all the time.

I've bought Jessops filters before and I don't rate them. I also hear cheap eBay jobbies are crap too. I have started replacing my filters with Hoya filters and I think they're perfect for a noob like me.

There's also Neutral Density filters (ND), which are darker and absorb light. This allows you to have longer exposures, without over exposing your pictures. This allows you to make movement blurry, such as water, long grass and clouds.

ND filters come with different ratings, like 2, 4, 8, etc... Do some research on that - they're a good buy. ;)

There's also polarised filters, which will reduce the light entering the lens by about 1 stop, but they are great for removing glare and reflections on shiny surfaces, such as water and car body panels.

Hope this helps some!!
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Thank you both very very much for the advice!!! Really appreciate it!!!

Heres a question; the mark 1 of the Canon 55-200 says its a 'telephoto'.

The mark 2 doesnt say 'telephoto'.

Does it make much of a difference? Which one of the two is better?

Here is the mark 1 on eBay:

mark 2 on eBay:

Amazon links for both are on my original post...

All help very much appreciated!!! I keep checking this thread for updates lol!
  2.2 bar shed.
Get the mkII. It's marginally better. Dont bother with UV filters, they're useless. - job done, it's the original IS, but the performance difference is so Marginal you'd be better off saving some more money.

This guy DOES grey import BUT they come with a UK Receipt so carry the full warranty period. Also if you're on TalkPhotography, give Kerso a PM (the guy who owns FlashCamera), he'll do further discount if you pay by bank transfer :)

Got mine a few weeks ago, brilliant lens.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I've got the 55-250 canon lens on my 1000D and it's very good. Also recently got a 50mm fixed lens to try and improve my lack of skills.
  5 GTT & Orb'd Trophy
Not quite sure what your budget is but I'm surprised nobody has suggested the 70-200 F4 non IS. Looking at the prices of the lens' you have listed it's possibly more than you were thinking at £500 but it is a much much better lens than any of those above and you can get very good second hand versions for £350-400.
  ITB BG 182
Some of your question seem too familiar for me.

I too wanted some thing that would go between 200 and 300mm but was not sure.

When I was considering on buying a lens, i hired some from for a day at their cheapest rates to see how I got along with it.

Now as much as I liked the canon 70-200 f2.8 it was just too much money to buy for me £1800.

The canon 70-300 was nice for them hell of a longer shots, specially wildlife too but I also liked the Sigma 50-500mm, even though thats silly long I did find that at 450+ things started coming out not so well and also anything below 110 was also not as good.

Now I have several lenses, I have an 24-70 f2.8 for the close ups or well working inside and at night, a 24-105 for car shows when I think I not shoot distances or if its over cloudy, an 18-135 for an good alrounder in very good bright condictions and then stuff like 50 and 85mm primes.

For you wanting above the 200 mark, I can highly recommend the 70-300 and for close ups try a sigma 15-80 i think it is. Sigma is fairly cheaper than canon though.

Look on Talkphotography for more info and usually alot of sales on there too.
Kinda skim read - but ermm yah

There are massive issues with very long zoom ranges, it compromises image quality. I got an 18-250 when I first started up and looking back at the photos from it they are VERY soft
The 55-250IS is a really good lens for the money - you need to try to get past that fear of swapping lenses. It's what DSLR's were built for :)
  Honda. Tesla Someday
I seriously love you guys! Thank you all for the amazing advice!!

Will update soon, I'm just dropping in to check the thread right now lol!

(quick note: people here are saying that the mkII is marginally better. How so? Whilst researching, I read that the mkII is the same as the mkI but is made more cheaply??)

Correct if I'm wrong :)
Absolutely no difference mate

Canon CLAIM that it has slightly better image quality - but basically it's just a design refresh. They swapped the silver ring for a black one, changed the font, made it look the same as all the current range. They did the same thing with the 18-55 when it went to the mkII version - just a modernisation
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Right I'm back.

After much consideration, I found this:

Would you trust it?

Secondly, I looked at and considered the whole bank transfer option, but I'm slightly paranoid and would feel uncomfortable bank transferring £100+ to someone I have never met. Thank you very very much for the suggestion though its very much appreciated.

Amazon is selling the same lenses for £180-£190, so they are an option but why pay more?

John182rs; thank you for your post and comments/advice. Hoopefully one day I'll have a great set of lenses too!! Can.not.wait!

Julzh: a little over my budget, but I'll remember what you said for the future!!

Everybody else, thanks again for helping me. You're all great and you're the main reason I pay to use this forum!

So... to trust the ebay seller... or not to trust the eBay seller? THAT is the question! (its a mkI lens by the way...) - would prefer a mkII as it matches my 18-55 but meh!
  ITB BG 182
If your looking at buying new lenses, I can HIGHLY recommend it is owned by a chap called Ian Kerso who is very good at what he does and he also gets brand new lenses at a very cheap price.
For example a Canon L f2.8 IS mkII 70-200, Jessops price is £1980 Flash Camera price = £1600 (£380 saving) which could mean another lens.
Both will come with a Canon UK warranty and UK repairs also.
That ebay seller - Digigood - are awesome

Had 3 lenses and my 7D came from them. They're only cheap because they import the stuff from the US but they put their own warranty on everything
I recommend them fully! :)
Just use FlashCamera, I only said you CAN bank transfer, that's not the main payment method though.

Bank Transfer is if you want extra discount on top of that price, otherwise you pay as normal ;)

If you go for ebay it'll be a grey import.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Decided to go with Kerso! (flash camera!)

I need to join talkphotography!

What swung it?

Digigood's 12 month warranty is a Seller warranty.

It was mentioned above in this thread that Kerso provides a UK receipt which is valid for a 12 month warranty.
12 months seller warranty means you get a full exchange if it breaks in 12 months
Canon warranty means you send it away and wait a few weeks for it to be repaired

I've always had next day delivery with digigood lol

I did try to say ;) They're a superb company
  Honda. Tesla Someday
I ordered from Flash Camera.

Got it for £124 including postage. She gave me a £5 discount for bank transfer.

But then... she emailed me (Kerso's sister) saying that she will update my order status as "awaiting stock".

If I had known it wasnt in stock I wouldnt have ordered! I need it fast and the website or she didnt tell me it was out of stock when I was discussing ordering with them.

Quite annoyed tbh!
  Honda. Tesla Someday
She replied saying she meant to say "awaiting despatch". *phew!!*

Thank you all for the help and advice. You're all absolute legends.
