Stardrops laughs at the likes of daisy

Where did you get that mitt from ChemGuy?
just my new very local supplier, its a valeting supply's place in mansfield, if you want the address pop me a pm, there is no website and its just a lock up, its not a shop etc. but very good prices, other things i have bought
he does a polish called ( carnauba diamond ) that leaves a lovely finish and quite easy to use, he sells polishing sponges at £1,wax safe TFR 5tls £4 makes about 20lts, spray waxes £1.50, black/silver sprays £1.50 stoneguard at 1.50 and scented silicon sprays at 1.50 which are good if you dont mind using silicone aerosols. wash and wax is about £5 for 5 lite, tyre slicks around £10 which leaves a nice finish, rinse aid for around a 5er that works well, a big bag of rags for £7.50 good for buffing the car, or general use on wheels, interior, door shuts etc a really good product he does is labelled actiwash i think its about £5-6 its great on the interior and for use on wheels if u dilute it.
highly recommend him if your in the area.